Tracks crypto currency prices
An Arbitrage tracker with GUI all done in Java!
This is a template, to create an arbitrage in Java.
This is an arbitrage. This is the skeleton of an actual project which contains confidential information. The skeleton code works, the API keys, connectors and the such have been removed.
Uses Java 11.
1) Go into code, input your API keys in respective string variables
2) Compile both Arb and Gui files. Can be done in compiler or terminal using command “javac”
3) Either run using an IDE of some sort or run in terminal using command “java GUI”
Will add template methods to add data into MongoDB database.
Some of the jar files I used:
1) jackson-annotations-2.11
2) jackson-core-2.11
3) jackson-databind-2.11
5) json jar for json import
6) kotlin-stdlib-1.3
7) mysql-connector-java-8.0
8) okhttp-4.7
9) okio-2.7
10) rescu-2.0
11) signpost-core-1.2
12) slf4j-api-1.7
13) slf4j-nop-1.7
Figure out how to set up asynchronity properly
1) Learn to use threads + concurrency
2) Check out code snippet sent
3) Seperate code per files
Learn MongoDB implementation
Learn web sockets
Learn Asynchronous Requests
Learn JavaRX
Learn ORM
Heroku App
GSON Library