A GUI for some OpenSSL common operations
This is a simple GUI for OpenSSL developed in Python for Ubuntu
Developed in Ubuntu 20.04 and Python 3.8.
SSHFS 2.10.0
(Other configurations may work, i didn’t test other versions)
When connecting to SSH, it may hang for a bit and then say in the error details “Timeout waiting for prompt”. This may happen because is the first time that the machine tries to connect to that ssh server, so the ECDSA key fingerprint wasn’t yet accepted. To fix this, open a terminal and establish a ssh connection, and accept the ECDSA key.
Do not run main.py with sudo if you want to use ssh. SSHFS will not work properly, and because of that SSH connection will not be allowed. SSHFS is used to mount the remote system filesystem so that the user can use the filechoosers inputs to select the files in the remote system via gui.
*Important note regarding functionality implemented: Some of the options the users specifies to execute the OpenSSL commands may require other options. This applications will not check most of them, because i don’t know what command options require other options (i’m new to openssl). If the application fails to execute with the configuration the user inserts, a popup will appear with the error message returned by openssl*
*Also: I’m new to OpenSSL, expect some missing validations (like specific file types needed for some commands, …) or hints how to use the application*
If the application seems to “hang” for a lot of time, check the python console used to execute the program. It may be asking for some type of password or other specific setting that i didn’t verify in code
This application was developed for the Network and Systems Security Curricular Unit of Computer Science and Engineering. This was the first time i worked with Python GTK, Glade, Paramiko and OpenSSL, so expect some “bad practices” in Python code with gtk things, and “most used” features of openssl missing, since i don’t have the experience with it to identify what those features are, the commands implemented here were just by checking the docs and some websites found on google.
Feel free to use and edit this project for your own needs.