Docker image containing GNU Emacs (no X)
This Dockerfile creates a sandboxed, runnable Org-mode environment built with the Debian image package and GNU Emacs installed.
Pull this image from Docker Hub with the command docker pull padawanphysicist/emacs
This comes with the following software:
Since its only dependency is Docker, it should run on any platform with Docker installed. It may or may not work with earlier versions of docker. To install docker on your system, see the official docker installation instructions.
To pull the docker image. (Depending on your connection speed this is likely much faster than building your own):
$ docker pull padawanphysicist/emacs
Alternatively to pulling the docker image build the docker image with:
$ docker build -t padawanphysicist/emacs
You can see your new image that you either pulled or built with this command:
$ docker images