Trainer to improve your card counting
A trainer to improve your card counting
Card Counting is particularly useful in Blackjack when trying to decide whether to Hit or Stand. As the cards flash by, you maintain a running count that tells you whether the deck is loaded with low or high cards at any given point in time. In the High-Low method of card counting, each card is given a value:
If at any time the count is low, you can assume that the deck has more cards between 2 - 6 than 10 - A, and vice versa. With that information, you can then decide whether you need to Hit or Stand.
The trainer walks you through a single deck at the desired cards per minute speed. As the cards pass by, maintain a running count of the deck. Increase the speed to challenge yourself or add music and other distractions to make it harder. The goal is to make card counting so effortless that it becomes second nature to you on the casino floor.
The on-screen guide lets you know how well you’re doing:
mvn clean package
java -jar target/card-counting-trainer-1.0.0.jar