项目作者: ArchitaDesai
项目描述 :
A star wars app to view & favourite star wars data, built with Django.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/ArchitaDesai/star-wars.git
Star Wars App
A star wars app, built with Django.
Lets you view & favourite your desired star wars data.
- Loads list of planets & movies from SWAPI
- View planets & movies’ list views
- Favourite & unfavourite planets & movies from their list views
- View favourited planets & movies on the home page
- Favourite & unfavourite favourited planets & movies from the home page
- Search planet name to see the detailed view of the planet
- Favourite & unfavourie resultant planet from the results view
- Navigate through various views within the app with navbar
- Pagination support for planets through URL as well as through UI navigation
Login View

Homepage - Favourite Movies & Planets’ view (can favourite & unfavourite them from homepage)

List of Movies (can favourite & unfavourite movies)

List of Planets (can favourite & unfavourite planets)

Search by Planet name (can favourite & unfavourite resultant planet)

For Developers
Installation Instructions
Run following commands inside the cloned repository:
# Create virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3.7 venv
# Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
# Install libraries needed from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Go inside the 'star_wars' directory & run migrations
cd star_wars && python manage.py migrate
# To start the development server
python manage.py runserver
Tech Stack
- Python/Django
- Framework used to create the app
- Bootstrap 4
- To make the app responsive
- FontAwesome
- Star Wars API (SWAPI)
- To fetch star wars data for planets & movies
Technical Details
App Endpoints - /app
- Home page, showing list of favourited planets & movies
- List of planets with pagination & favourite/unfavourite button
- Pagination:
- for page 1/app/planets/2
- for page 2- Navigation also available through UI
- List of movies with favourite/unfavourite button
- Detailed planet view by its name available through the UI