Note: The maintained version of this template can be found at
[INSTALL][i] | [USAGE][u] | [API][a] | [AUTHOR][auth] | [CONTRIBUTE][cpl] | [LICENSE][cpl] | [SUPPORT][ps]
KISS - Keep it simple, stupid!
Quick usage example...
...repeat until it gets clear.
Description of the problem that your module solves.
[gt]: #getting-started ‘Getting started guide’
A brief note on environment/machine/tools requisites
[i]: #installation ‘Installation guide’
Installation/deployment example
[u]: #usage ‘Product usage’
Give more elaborate example here.
[a]: #api ‘Module\’s API description’
Api description should be given here.
Code examples ...
[auth]: #author ‘Credits & author\’s contacts info ‘
You can follow me on twitter or just email me.
List of people and project that inspired creation of this one:
Check out (if any) contribution guide or license for more details.
[ps]: #production-status—support ‘Production use disclaimer & support info’
You should be aware that this project is supported solely by me and provided as is.
If you want to become a patron or offer me a support please [follow here][auth].
Go back to the project description
Copyright © 2017 Davronov Alexander