项目作者: FredHappyface

项目描述 :
A repository consisting of standard README fragments. Build a README file using fragments from the following sub-directories: core, lang, extras
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/FredHappyface/Python.BuildREADME.git
创建时间: 2018-10-16T18:47:14Z

开源协议:MIT License


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A repository consisting of standard readmes providing details of how to run
projects written in a range of programming languages

Build a README file using fragments from the following subdirectories

Language information

Built for

This program has been written for Python 3 and has been tested with
Python version 3.8.0 https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-380.

Install with chocolatey

  1. choco install python

Other versions

To install Python, go to https://www.python.org and download the latest

How to run

  1. Open the .py file in vscode
  2. Ensure a python 3.8 interpreter is selected (Ctrl+Shift+P > Python:Select Interpreter > Python 3.8)
  3. Run by pressing Ctrl+F5 (if you are prompted to install any modules, accept)



Using The Command Line

  1. Press the Clone or download button in the top right
  2. Copy the URL (link)
  3. Open the command line and change directory to where you wish to
    clone to
  4. Type ‘git clone’ followed by URL in step 2
    1. $ git clone https://github.com/FredHappyface/Python.BuildREADME

More information can be found at

Using GitHub Desktop

  1. Press the Clone or download button in the top right
  2. Click open in desktop
  3. Choose the path for where you want and click Clone

More information can be found at

Download Zip File

  1. Download this GitHub repository
  2. Extract the zip archive
  3. Copy/ move to the desired location


MIT License
Copyright (c) FredHappyface
(See the LICENSE for more information.)



Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3


I use vscode as my editor which supports snippets so I will probably discontinue this