项目作者: rcarubbi

项目描述 :
An audio converter api
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/rcarubbi/Carubbi-AudioConverter-Api.git
创建时间: 2020-05-27T17:34:17Z



Carubbi Audio Converter API

Carubbi Audio Converter API is a modular and secure API built with ASP.NET Core to convert audio files between popular formats such as MP3, WAV, and OGG. The API ensures file validation, efficient processing, and extensibility for future formats.


  • Audio Format Conversion:
    • Supported conversions:
      • MP3 ↔ WAV
      • WAV ↔ OGG
      • MP3 ↔ OGG (via pipeline)
  • File Validation:
    • Ensures valid file extensions (.mp3, .wav, .ogg).
    • Validates file size limits.
    • Uses file signatures (magic numbers) to confirm file authenticity.
  • Extensibility:
    • Easily add new audio formats by implementing the IConverter interface.
  • Integration with External Tools:
    • Utilizes opusenc and opusdec for OGG encoding/decoding.
    • Leverages NAudio and NAudio.Lame for MP3 and WAV processing.


  • .NET 7.0
  • opusenc.exe and opusdec.exe available in the environment’s PATH (for OGG conversions).
  • NAudio and NAudio.Lame libraries installed.


  1. Clone the repository:

    1. git clone https://github.com/rcarubbi/Carubbi-AudioConverter-Api.git
    2. cd Carubbi-AudioConverter-Api
  2. Install dependencies:

    • Ensure that the NAudio and NAudio.Lame packages are installed:
      1. dotnet add package NAudio
      2. dotnet add package NAudio.Lame
    • Add the opusenc.exe and opusdec.exe binaries to your PATH environment variable.
  3. Run the API:

    1. dotnet run
  4. Access the Swagger UI:

    • Navigate to https://localhost:<port>/swagger to test the API endpoints interactively.

API Endpoints

POST /Conversion

Converts an uploaded audio file to the desired format.


  • Query Parameter:
    • to: The desired output format (mp3, wav, or ogg).
  • Form Data:
    • source: The audio file to convert.


  • Success: Returns the converted audio file as a binary stream.
  • Error: Provides a detailed error message if validation or conversion fails.


  1. curl -X POST "https://localhost:<port>/Conversion?to=ogg" \
  2. -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  3. -F "source=@example.mp3" \
  4. --output result.ogg

How It Works

File Validation

Each uploaded file goes through a validation process:

  1. File Size: Ensures the file does not exceed the configured size limit.
  2. Extension Check: Validates if the file extension is supported.
  3. File Signature: Confirms the authenticity of the file using magic numbers.

Conversion Pipeline

The API uses a modular pipeline approach for audio conversion. It determines the necessary converters based on input and output formats and chains them together when intermediate steps are needed (e.g., MP3 → WAV → OGG).

  • Example: Conversion from MP3 to OGG:
    1. MP3 → WAV (using NAudio.Wave).
    2. WAV → OGG (using opusenc).

Integration with External Tools

  • Opusenc/Opusdec: Handles OGG encoding/decoding using process execution.
  • NAudio: Manages MP3 and WAV processing directly in memory.

Adding New Formats

To add a new format:

  1. Implement the IConverter interface:

    1. public class NewFormatConverter : IConverter
    2. {
    3. public string From => "existingFormat";
    4. public string To => "newFormat";
    5. public async Task<byte[]> ConvertAsync(byte[] content)
    6. {
    7. // Conversion logic here
    8. }
    9. }
  2. Register the converter in Startup.cs:

    1. services.AddTransient<IConverter, NewFormatConverter>();

Tools and Libraries Used

  • ASP.NET Core: For API implementation.
  • NAudio: For MP3 and WAV processing.
  • NAudio.Lame: For MP3 encoding.
  • Opusenc/Opusdec: For OGG encoding and decoding.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository, create a new branch, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Check out the repository: Carubbi Audio Converter API