AES-Encryption is a Java class for encrypting and decrypting strings in Android with AES.
AES-Encryption is a Java class for encrypting and decrypting strings in Android with AES.
First initialize your own AESEncryption class variable with a password key. Then you can use encrypt and decrypt methods as below.
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.abdullahselek:AES-Encryption:0.1'
Add the dependency
Initialization of AESEncryption class
String passwordKey = "abdullahselek";
AESEncryption aesEncryption = new AESEncryption(passwordKey);
For encryption
String encryptedText = aesEncryption.encrypt("encrypt it");
For decryption
String decryptedText = aesEncryption.decrypt(encryptedText);
If you get Illegal key size or default parameters
error from Java Cipher class you can download two .jar files supported by Oracle according to your jre version. And add to your ${java.home}/jre/lib/security/