Just for Fun CLI Cryptography Tool - File Encryption Signing and KEM
First of all It’s just for fun. So Send Me Nudes comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
After icloud leaked nudes. We should not trust any cloud or message app (even he says that it has end-to-end encryption!)
-d enable decryption mode
-e enable encryption mode
-g generate key files
-i string
file to read (default "file")
-o string
output file name (default "out")
-privatekey string
Your Private Key File (default "client_private.key")
-base64Pub string
Base64 Public Key
-pubkey string
Public Key File (default "client_pub.key")
./send_me_nudes -e -i nude2.jpg -o newtest -pubkey secret_pub.key -privatekey client_private.key
./send_me_nudes -d -i newtest.smn -base64Pub UEzL6lb/XNPiDQomUININjCtOkmM1g1RCLOvF1JPFTc= -privatekey secret_pri.key