Demonstrate jetpack architecture components using a simple currency conversion android app.
Android project in Kotlin to demonstrate usage of Jetpack architecture components to design a modern app that does simple currency conversion.
Several Android Architecture Components from Jetpack are showcased in the app:
Jetpack Navigation is used in the app to navigate between two fragments on a single main activity.
Room Persistence is used to store offline cache from REST API and serve as a single source of truth to power the whole app.
Jetpack ViewModel and LiveData are used to provide automatically updating UI for data through Room as per Android App Architecture guidelines.
Retrofit is used for the app’s JSON REST API.
App Debug logging is provided by Jake Wharton’s Timber library.
App documentation generated by Dokka is available in the javadoc/app folder.
Explain how to run the automated tests for this system
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details