项目作者: outlyer-net

项目描述 :
A dockerized Video Contact Sheet *NIX
高级语言: Dockerfile
项目地址: git://github.com/outlyer-net/dockerized-vcs.git
创建时间: 2019-05-08T22:50:24Z

开源协议:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


Dockerized VCS

A dockerized Video Contact Sheet *NIX.

This docker image provides a reference working environment for vcs.

This image is meant for troubleshooting although it can conceivably be used as a viable way to run vcs.

Obtaining the image

Prebuilt images are to be found at Docker Hub. It can be downloaded with:

  1. sudo docker pull outlyernet/vcs

In case you need to build, use the usual:

  1. sudo docker build -t vcs .


This image works by default on the /mnt directory, the simplest way to use it is to bind a directory with videos to /mnt.

For example, if /home/user/videos contains a sample.mp4 video file…

  1. $ pwd
  2. /home/user/videos/
  3. $ ls
  4. sample.mp4

… the image can be run like:

  1. $ sudo docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/mnt" --user $(id -u):$(id -g) outlyernet/vcs sample.mp4 [your vcs options]
  2. stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device
  3. Video Contact Sheet *NIX v1.13.3, (c) 2007-2017 Toni Corvera
  4. Processing sample.mp4...
  5. [...]
  6. Cleaning up...
  7. $ ls
  8. sample.mp4 sample.mp4.png

Arguments explained

The arguments to the above command are:

  • --rm: Destroy the container when done.
  • -v "$(pwd):/mnt": Bind the current directory to /mnt (the container’s /mnt will be an alias for the directory you’re running the command from).
  • --user $(id -u):$(id -g): Run as your user instead of as root, which is the default on Docker. Otherwise the produced files will be owned by root.