项目作者: h2oai

项目描述 :
Wave Dashboard for the OpenML AutoML Benchmark
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/h2oai/wave-amlb.git
创建时间: 2021-02-25T13:34:44Z



AutoML Benchmark Wave App

Dashboard to compare AutoML frameworks by exploring the results from runs of the OpenML AutoML Benchmark.

App Goal: View & compare performance of different AutoML frameworks, as benchmarked on the OpenML AutoML Benchmark

Target Audience: Data scientists

Industry: Any

GitHub: https://github.com/h2oai/wave-amlb

Actively Being Maintained: Yes

Comes with Demo Mode (pre-loaded data, models, results, etc.): Yes

Allows for Uploading and Using New Data: Yes

System Requirements

  1. Python 3.6+
  2. pip3


1. Run the Wave Server

Follow the instructions here to download and run the latest Wave Server, a requirement for apps.

Setting up Wave for the first time

  1. Go to download the wave SDK for your platform

    • Make sure to scroll down on the page to Assets. For MacOs select “darwin”.
      1. wave-0.12.0-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
  2. Extract your download:

    • Make sure to run this command in the directory you downloaded the .tar.gz
      1. tar -xzf wave-0.12.0-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
  3. Move it to a convenient location:

    1. mv wave-0.12.0-darwin-amd64 <pathname>/wave
  4. check your $home/wave directory, the output should look like the following below:

  1. .
  2. ├── demo
  3. ├── examples
  4. ├── readme.txt
  5. ├── test
  6. ├── waved
  7. └── www
  1. Go to your wave directory:
  1. cd wave
  1. Start the wave server by running:
  1. ./waved

When runninng the command, you may get an issue about “cannot open file because identity of developer can’t be verified:

  1. - go to system preferences
  2. - security & privacy
  3. - general
  4. - you'll see a message about wave. select 'allow anyway'
  5. - attempt to run ./waved again
  1. If step 6 worked you should be able to go to the following link:

    • it’s a spinning circle waiting for contact
    • To run any Wave app, you need the Wave server up and running at all times.

2. Setup Your Python Environment

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/h2oai/wave-amlb
  2. $ cd wave-amlb
  3. $ make setup
  4. $ source venv/bin/activate

3. Run the App

After you set-up the python environment you can start the app by running

Note! this is in a separate terminal tab then where you ran ‘./waved’ command to start the wave server:

  1. wave run src.app

Note! If you did not activate your virtual environment this will be:

  1. ./venv/bin/wave run src.app

4. View the App

Point your web browser to localhost:10101