Extension for Junit 5. Re-run failed JUnit tests immediately.
rerunner-jupiter is a extension for Junit 5.
Re-run failed JUnit-Jupiter tests immediately. Very useful when your UI/API tests don’t stable.
This library is open source, released under the terms of [Apache 2.0 License].
In order to include rerunner-jupiter in a Maven project, first add the following dependency to your pom.xml
(Java 8 required):
* Repeated three times if test failed.
* By default Exception.class will be handled in test
@RepeatedIfExceptionsTest(repeats = 3)
void reRunTest() throws IOException {
throw new IOException("Error in Test");
* Repeated two times if test failed. Set IOException.class that will be handled in test
* @throws IOException - error occurred
@RepeatedIfExceptionsTest(repeats = 2, exceptions = IOException.class)
void reRunTest2() throws IOException {
throw new IOException("Exception in I/O operation");
* Repeated ten times if test failed. Set IOException.class that will be handled in test
* Set formatter for test. Like behavior as at {@link org.junit.jupiter.api.RepeatedTest}
* @throws IOException - error occurred
@RepeatedIfExceptionsTest(repeats = 10, exceptions = IOException.class,
name = "Rerun failed test. Attempt {currentRepetition} of {totalRepetitions}")
void reRunTest3() throws IOException {
throw new IOException("Exception in I/O operation");
* Repeated three times if selenium test failed. Use selenium-jupiter extension.
@RepeatedIfExceptionsTest(repeats = 3, exceptions = NoSuchElementException.class)
void testWithChrome(ChromeDriver chrome) {
* Repeated 100 times with minimum success four times, then disabled all remaining repeats.
* See image below how it works. Default exception is Exception.class
@DisplayName("Test Case Name")
@RepeatedIfExceptionsTest(repeats = 100, minSuccess = 4)
void reRunTest4() {
if(random.nextInt() % 2 == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error in Test");
* By default total repeats = 1 and minimum success = 1.
* If the test failed by this way start to repeat it by one time with one minimum success.
* This example without exceptions.
@ValueSource(ints = {14, 15, 100, -10})
void successfulParameterizedTest(int argument) {
* By default total repeats = 1 and minimum success = 1.
* If the test failed by this way start to repeat it by one time with one minimum success.
* This example with display name but without exceptions
@DisplayName("Example of parameterized repeated without exception")
@ValueSource(ints = {1, 2, 3, 1001})
void successfulParameterizedTestWithDisplayName(int argument) {
* By default total repeats = 1 and minimum success = 1.
* If the test failed by this way start to repeat it by one time with one minimum success.
* This example with display name but with exception. Exception depends on random number generation.
@DisplayName("Example of parameterized repeated with exception")
@ValueSource(strings = {"Hi", "Hello", "Bonjour", "Privet"})
void errorParameterizedTestWithDisplayName(String argument) {
if (random.nextInt() % 2 == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception " + argument);
* By default total repeats = 1 and minimum success = 1.
* If the test failed by this way start to repeat it by one time with one minimum success.
* This example with display name, repeated display name, 10 repeats and 2 minimum success with exceptions.
* Exception depends on random number generation.
@ParameterizedRepeatedIfExceptionsTest(name = "Argument was {0}",
repeatedName = " (Repeat {currentRepetition} of {totalRepetitions})",
repeats = 10, exceptions = RuntimeException.class, minSuccess = 2)
@ValueSource(ints = {4, 5, 6, 7})
void errorParameterizedTestWithDisplayNameAndRepeatedName(int argument) {
if (random.nextInt() % 2 == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception in Test " + argument);
* By default total repeats = 1 and minimum success = 1.
* If the test failed by this way start to repeat it by one time with one minimum success.
* This example with display name, implicitly repeated display name, 4 repeats and 2 minimum success with exceptions.
* Exception depends on random number generation. Also use {@link MethodSource}
@DisplayName("Display name of container")
@ParameterizedRepeatedIfExceptionsTest(name = "Year {0} is a leap year.",
repeats = 4, exceptions = RuntimeException.class, minSuccess = 2)
void errorParameterizedTestWithMultiArgMethodSource(String str, int num, List<String> list) {
assertEquals(5, str.length());
assertTrue(num >= 1 && num <= 2);
assertEquals(2, list.size());
if (random.nextInt() % 2 == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception in Test");
static Stream<Arguments> stringIntAndListProvider() {
return Stream.of(
arguments("apple", 1, Arrays.asList("a", "b")),
arguments("lemon", 2, Arrays.asList("x", "y"))
* it's often caused by some infrastructure problems: network congestion, garbage collection etc.
* These problems usually pass after some time. Use suspend option
@RepeatedIfExceptionsTest(repeats = 3, exceptions = IOException.class, suspend = 5000L)
void reRunTestWithSuspendOption() throws IOException {
throw new IOException("Exception in I/O operation");
* Example with suspend option for Parameterized Test
* It matters, when you get some infrastructure problems and you want to run your tests through timeout.
* Set break to 5 seconds. If exception appeared for any arguments, repeating extension would runs tests with break.
* If one result failed and other passed, does not matter we would wait 5 seconds throught each arguments of the repeated tests.
@DisplayName("Example of parameterized repeated with exception")
@ParameterizedRepeatedIfExceptionsTest(suspend = 5000L, minSuccess = 2, repeats = 3)
@ValueSource(strings = {"Hi", "Hello", "Bonjour", "Privet"})
void errorParameterizedTestWithSuspendOption(String argument) {
if (random.nextInt() % 2 == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(argument);
* Parameterized Test with the wrong exception.
* Test throws AssertionError.class, but we wait for Exception.class.
* In this case test with argument "1" runs ones without repeats.
* If you change 'exceptions = AssertionError.class', repeats will appear.
@ValueSource(ints = {1, 2})
@ParameterizedRepeatedIfExceptionsTest(repeats = 2, exceptions = Exception.class)
void testParameterizedRepeaterAssertionsFailure(int value) {
assertThat(value, equalTo(2));
More examples you can find here.
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