项目作者: krzwier

项目描述 :
Project Euler problem #2: Sum of even-valued Fibonacci
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/krzwier/euler002.git
创建时间: 2020-04-16T17:11:09Z




This repository is my solution to Problem #2 of Project Euler+ on HackerRank. Description of problem here.

The challenge is to find the sum of all even-valued Fibonacci whose values do not exceed a given number N. Input to the program is provided as integers separated by newlines, where the first number T denotes the number of test cases. The program must produce the correct output for each number N that follows, within a specified time limit.

I wrote my solution in Java. In order to meet the time limit, I created a hashMap of already-solved Fibonacci in order to save time on future runs.