Yeoman generator for Android project
Create a new app from scratch and add components to it
This project was created in order to generate the different classes used by my other library ( using yeoman generator :
In order to make databinding working, we need to create
The generator is here to help developers do it faster :)
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-android-template
Then generate your new project:
You will have to call the command line below IN THE ROOT of your project.
project build.gradle :
repositories {
maven { url "" }
app build.gradle :
compile com.joxad.easydatabinding:lib:1.1.0
You will be ask a few questions in order to generate the needed classes :
yo android-template:activity
This will generate :
yo android-template:activity-recycler
This will generate an activity with a recycler view using v1
In your build.gradle add :
compile 'me.tatarka.bindingcollectionadapter:bindingcollectionadapter:1.0.3'
compile 'me.tatarka.bindingcollectionadapter:bindingcollectionadapter-recyclerview:1.0.3'
yo android-template:activity-recycler-v2
This will generate an activity with a recycler view using v2
yo android-template:activity-bottom-nav
This will generate an activity with a coordinator layout and a bottom view navigation
yo android-template:fragment
This will generate :
yo android-template:fragment-support
This will generate :
yo android-template:fragment-support-recycler-v2
This will generate an fragment with a recycler view using v2
yo android-template:bottom-fragment
This will generate :
yo android-template:item
This will generate :
Very useful lib used :
It handles the databinding inside the recyclerview => No adapter to write :)
MIT © Jocelyn David