项目作者: joxad

项目描述 :
Yeoman generator for Android project
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/joxad/generator-android-template.git
创建时间: 2016-12-02T16:12:27Z

开源协议:MIT License


generator-android-template NPM version

Create a new app from scratch and add components to it

Version : 1.0.1

This project was created in order to generate the different classes used by my other library (https://github.com/joxad/easydatabinding) using yeoman generator :

In order to make databinding working, we need to create

  • a xml layout with
  • a activity/fragment class
  • a vm associated to this activity/fragment

The generator is here to help developers do it faster :)


  1. First, install Yeoman and generator-android-template using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
  1. npm install -g yo
  2. npm install -g generator-android-template

Then generate your new project:

You will have to call the command line below IN THE ROOT of your project.

  1. In your android project

project build.gradle :

  1. repositories {
  2. maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/joxad/maven" }
  3. }

app build.gradle :

  1. compile com.joxad.easydatabinding:lib:1.1.0

How does it work

You will be ask a few questions in order to generate the needed classes :

  • applicationId => in order to know where to place the generated code
  • packageName => the package where you want to put the activity/fragment java classes
  • layout name => it will generate the xml & activity/fragment & activityVM/fragmentVM

Generate an activity

  1. yo android-template:activity

This will generate :

  • Activity
  • Activity layout
  • Activity VM that will have your binding activity

Generate an activity with recycler (v1)

  1. yo android-template:activity-recycler

This will generate an activity with a recycler view using https://github.com/evant/binding-collection-adapter v1

  • Activity
  • Activity layout
  • Activity VM that will have your binding activity
  • BaseVM that will handle each item model of your recycler
  • Item Layout for your recycler

In your build.gradle add :

  1. compile 'me.tatarka.bindingcollectionadapter:bindingcollectionadapter:1.0.3'
  2. compile 'me.tatarka.bindingcollectionadapter:bindingcollectionadapter-recyclerview:1.0.3'

Generate an activity with recycler view (v2)

  1. yo android-template:activity-recycler-v2

This will generate an activity with a recycler view using https://github.com/evant/binding-collection-adapter v2

  • Activity
  • Activity layout
  • Activity VM that will have your binding activity
  • BaseVM that will handle each item model of your recycler
  • Item Layout for your recycler

Generate an activity with bottom bar navigation

  1. yo android-template:activity-bottom-nav

This will generate an activity with a coordinator layout and a bottom view navigation

  • Activity
  • Activity layout
  • Activity VM that will have your binding activity
  • Menu xml in the resources
  • Menu color selector

Generate a fragment

  1. yo android-template:fragment

This will generate :

  • Fragment
  • Fragment layout
  • Fragment VM that will have your binding fragment

Generate a support fragment

  1. yo android-template:fragment-support

This will generate :

  • Fragment v4
  • Fragment layout
  • Fragment VM that will have your binding fragment

Generate a support fragment with recycler view (v2)

  1. yo android-template:fragment-support-recycler-v2

This will generate an fragment with a recycler view using https://github.com/evant/binding-collection-adapter v2

  • Fragment
  • Fragment layout
  • Fragment VM that will have your binding fragment
  • BaseVM that will handle each item model of your recycler
  • Item Layout for your recycler

Generate a bottomsheet dialog fragment

  1. yo android-template:bottom-fragment

This will generate :

  • Bottom Sheet Dialog Fragment
  • Fragment layout
  • Bottom Sheet Dialog Fragment VM that will have your binding fragment

Generate an item

  1. yo android-template:item

This will generate :

  • BaseVM of your model
  • Item layout associated with your vm


Very useful lib used :


It handles the databinding inside the recyclerview => No adapter to write :)

Getting To Know Yeoman

  • Yeoman has a heart of gold.
  • Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
  • Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
  • Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.


MIT © Jocelyn David