Buy & Sell Restrictable Publication NFT's on Tezos.
A Smart contract that allows the owner to sell NFT’s of books they have published on the Tezos protocol providing;
to true
You can set up the storage for the smart contract by populating it with the details of published NFT’s you are selling — For example;Map.literal [
(0n, {
publication_stock = 100n ;
publication_address = ("Address of publication NFT" : address);
publication_price = 20mutez;
publication_restricted = false;
publication_title = "Mmmmm Tezos - Recipes & Ideas.";
(1n, {
publication_stock = 200n ;
publication_address = ("Address of publication NFT" : address);
publication_price = 10mutez;
publication_restricted = true;
publication_title = "Mmmmm Tezos - Now for pudding!"