项目作者: Indieblocks

项目描述 :
Buy & Sell Restrictable Publication NFT's on Tezos.
项目地址: git://github.com/Indieblocks/tezos-publication-contract.git
创建时间: 2021-08-21T11:27:57Z

开源协议:MIT License


Book Store front

It should be noted this smart contract is not considered Audited and as such should not be used in a production enviroment.

A Smart contract that allows the owner to sell NFT’s of books they have published on the Tezos protocol providing;

  • They currently have the publication in stock to do so.
  • The NFT publication has not been set to restricted.
    • NFT Publication listings can be restricted by setting publication_limited to true
  • The offered Tozes is more than or equal to the cost of the published NFT.
    • Any value sent over the asking price will be provided as a tip and not returned.


You can set up the storage for the smart contract by populating it with the details of published NFT’s you are selling — For example;
Map.literal [ (0n, { publication_stock = 100n ; publication_address = ("Address of publication NFT" : address); publication_price = 20mutez; publication_restricted = false; publication_title = "Mmmmm Tezos - Recipes & Ideas."; }); (1n, { publication_stock = 200n ; publication_address = ("Address of publication NFT" : address); publication_price = 10mutez; publication_restricted = true; publication_title = "Mmmmm Tezos - Now for pudding!" }) ]