项目作者: M-Devloo

项目描述 :
This library contains support to read out a Cube 350 Smart meter through two-wire Modbus (RS485)
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/M-Devloo/Cube-350-Smart-meter.git
创建时间: 2018-09-16T18:54:39Z

开源协议:MIT License


Cube 350 Energy meter contributions welcome

This library allows you to communicate to a Northern Design Cube 350 Smart meter through two-wired modbus (RS485)

Travis build status

Master: Build Status
Development: Build Status

Getting Started (Hardware)

These instructions will allows you to get the library up and running on your local machine.


  1. * A minimum of Java 8 is required for this library.
  2. * If running on Linux, you will need to add your user to the dialout group.

Required hardware

  1. * Cheap CH340 USB to RS485 converter (about 1.5$) or other variants
  2. * Cube 350 Kwh meter or other variants

Serial port user [Linux]

To able to access the serial port, you need to add your user that you want to run this library to the dialout group.
This will add your current user to the dialout group.

  1. sudo adduser $USER dialout

Set the slave ID, Baudrate & other things like CT for your cube 350

(See Section 4. Programming of the Cube350 A4 Operating Manual July 2006 A4.pdf)

(SW) properties are required as input parameters for this library.

Quick summary:

  • Go into programming mode (See Section 4. Programming of the Cube350 A4 Operating Manual July 2006 A4.pdf)
  • Press I & V together for 5 seconds.

    Depending you have set a security code through Modbus or the programming menu, you will or will not have to provide a code.

  • Press I to go to another property.
  • (SW) CT -> Set the current of your attached 0.33mV CT (50A, 100A, 200A, 800A, …)
  • Un (Nominal Line-Line Voltage) ~ Most is 400V (I needed to tweak mine to 390V)
  • Plr, Plt, Pto is depending on the Pulse which is the two external hardware pulse outputs
  • (SW) Br -> Baud rate (Support 4800, 9600 & 19200)
  • (SW) Addr -> Modbus Slave ID. This ID also needs to be used in the software.
  • Saving to flash & ready to use.

Getting Started (Library)

How to use

You can use this library to read out one or multiple Cube 350 Modbus energy meter(s).
Through readEnergyModbusRegister() it is possible to directly access the Modbus registers.
It is also possible to read out the calculated energy value through CombinedEnergyRegister.
This gives you a correct result like Kwh, Kvarh & many more values.

This library has been written with simplicity in mind meaning you are in full control of threads, schedulers, …

Example (One Cube)

  1. import static com.github.mdevloo.cube.modbus.register.energy.energy.CombinedEnergyRegister.KWH;
  2. final class Application {
  3. void cubeReadout() {
  4. final int id = 5;
  5. final ModbusConfiguration modbusConfiguration = new ModbusSerialConfiguration("/dev/ttyUSB0",
  6. ModbusCommunication.BaudRate.RATE_9600, 10);
  7. final CubeMeter cubeMeter = new CubeMeter.Builder(id, modbusConfiguration)
  8. .registers(InstantaneousModbusRegister.values())
  9. .combinedRegisters(KWH)
  10. .build();
  11. final ModbusService cubeModbusService = new CubeModbusService(cubeMeter);
  12. final List<CombinedModbusResult> cubeEnergyvalue = cubeModbusService.readEnergyModbusRegister(CubeModbusService.Scaler.KWH);
  13. cubeEnergyvalue.forEach(res -> logger.info("Register {} - Energy value :{} KwH", res.getCombinedRegister(), res.calculateEnergyScaling()));
  14. final List<ModbusResult> modbusResults = cubeModbusService.readModbusRegisters();
  15. modbusResults.forEach(mod -> logger.info("Value of Register: {} - {}", mod.getModbusRegister(), mod.getRegister().getValue()));
  16. }
  17. }


  1. [pool-1-thread-1] ERROR com.github.mdevloo.cube.modbus.service.CubeModbusService - Modbus communication error: [Modbus connection exception: [Port [ttyUSB0] cannot be opened or does not exist - Valid ports are: [ttyUSB0]]]


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details