项目作者: yyccR

项目描述 :
Pure cpp implementation of XGBoost predictor for systems real-time prediction.
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/yyccR/xgboost-predictor-cpp.git
创建时间: 2019-07-11T07:48:42Z




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Getting started

  • The only thing to do:

    1. Including the `XgboostPredictor.h` file to your project.
    2. Adding the `XgboostPredictor.cpp` file to your source file list.
  • How to invoke:


// load model
std::string model_path = “here is your xgboost model path”;
// here is the total number of your predict classes.
int class_num = 2;
XgboostPredictor xgboostPredictor = XgboostPredictor(model_path, class_num);

// predict
std::vector input = {here is you features};
// prediction result is the probability of each category.
std::vector res = xgboostPredictor.Predict(input);

  1. - more test:





using namespace std::chrono;
long long int ms = duration_cast< milliseconds >(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();

// loading xgboost model.
std::string model_path = “../xgboost_model.txt”;
XgboostPredictor xgboostPredictor = XgboostPredictor(model_path, 2);
long long int ms2 = duration_cast< milliseconds >(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();

// predict
std::vector input(27);
input = {0.166704003,0.793647502,0.585092658,-0.836314314,-0.495913423,0.233769642,0.202316318,0.528412458,0.824529188,-0.85625963,-0.222778842,0.466035443,0.221061031,-0.715468667,-0.662749279,0.922008461,0.260256615,0.28664768,3.344844582,0.94415395,1.039894947,2.136208297,-1.528755739,-2.820955601,-0.750271,2.003565,-1.070326};
std::vector res = xgboostPredictor.Predict(input);
long long int ms3 = duration_cast< milliseconds >(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();

std::cout << “xgboost predict probability vector is: [“
<< res[0] << “, “ << res[1]
<< “], load model using “ << ms2 - ms
<< “(ms) predict using “ << ms3 - ms2 << “(ms)”
<< std::endl;

  1. **result is:**

xgboost predict probability vector is: [0.692828893, 0.307171107], load model using 1358(ms) predict using 1(ms)

TODO List:

Now this project only support Xgboost models trained with ‘multi:softprob’ objective, and dump with txt type.

  • [X] support txt type.
  • support json type.
  • support binary type.
  • support different objective function.