项目作者: Subhash3

项目描述 :
Summer of bitcoin coding challenge
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/Subhash3/summer-of-bitcoin.git
创建时间: 2021-06-13T09:04:38Z





Checkout resources/ folder for task info.


  • Task is to find the sequence of transaction_ids whose sum of weights is not greater than the block size and whose sum of fees is maximized.
  • This sounds like knapsack problem to me. The only thing is that, the transaction should appear in a block iff all of its parents appear and they need to retain their original order.
  • To fix todo-4, try to combine all the parent transactions of a transaction into one.


  1. A block is valid iff A transaction apprears in a block only if all of its parents appear earlier in the block.
  2. All transactions in a block must retain their original order, i.e the order they were listed in mempool.

Installation and Usage

  • The system must have python >= 3.6.9 and pipenv installed.
  • To install them:
  1. sudo apt-get install python3
  2. sudo python3 -m pip install pipenv
  • Install dependencies

    1. pipenv shell # activates the virtualenv
    2. pipenv install # installs dependencies from Pipfile.lock
  • Edit and run python file

    1. python3 file.py # inside the virtualenv
  • Block generation

    Default block weight of 50000 will be used if block weight is not specified.

    python3 main.py [Optional block weight]

Generate a block with max weight of 40000

python3 main.py 40000

  1. - Check `main.py` for basic usage.
  2. - All the generated blocks are saved in `blocks/` directory in the format `block_{sum_of_fees_of_transactions_in_that_block}.txt`
  3. ### Observations
  4. - Let `f(transaction)` be a the sum of fees generated by the knapsack algorithm for a given total_weight.
  5. ```python
  6. f(all_transactions_in_mempool) > f(transactions_without_parents) > f(transactions_with_parents_combined)
  • Blocks generated by all_transactions_in_mempool are not valid most of the time as they do not obey Note-1.
  • The best I could do in my system is to generate the block with a max fee of 4094954, with a total weight of 2100000.

Block analysis:

  1. Transactions of block ./blocks/block_4094954.0.txt:
  2. No. of txs: 1614
  3. Total Fees: 4094954
  4. Total weights: 2100000
  5. is_valid_block: True
  • My system resulted in a Segmentation Fault upon execution of the program with total_block_weight > 2100000. Any system with RAM > 16GB should do better than this.


    • Create a class Block to handle methods related to blocks.
    • Write a function to verify if a block is valid (Using Note-1).
    • Fix the numba reflected list error.
    • Turns out that some blocks generated by our knapsack are not valid. We need to figure out how to fix it.
      • Follow Note -1 while including the transaction in a
      • Fixed it combining parent transactions of a transaction.
    • Use only those transactions which do not have parent transactions to avoid the above issue.
    • The transactions in a block are in the reverse order because of knapsack. Due to this, transactions in the block files are in reverse order… Fix it!!
    • Reverse the contents of previously generated block files.
    • Point #3 in Approach.