Expose local http-server (web-app) through IPNS
Prototype implementation of IPNS-Link.
Expose dynamic site / web app / server-side code with IPNS. Run your http-server at localhost and get a URL that is basically an IPNS key. Put the key at any IPFS gateway (e.g. https://ipfs.io) or IPNS-Link-Gateway (e.g. https://ipns.live) in your browser and your site loads.
See Manual.
Follow Quick-Start.
This is just a proof-of-concept and is by no means foolproof. Although it mostly works, optimizations and enhancements are possible.
To keep things simple, Manifest encryption and HLS stream using IPNS have been left out for now.
Those who turn away from IPFS because of its huge bandwidth consumption need not worry. IPNS-Link takes great pains to work around this.
, IPNS-Link serves the corresponding resources from IPFS, decreasing the load on your server.