Virtually controlling computer using hand-gestures and voice commands. Star ⭐ our repo if you find it helpful.
Gesture Controlled Virtual Mouse makes human computer interaction simple by making use of Hand Gestures and Voice Commands. The computer requires almost no direct contact. All i/o operations can be virtually controlled by using static and dynamic hand gestures along with a voice assistant. This project makes use of the state-of-art Machine Learning and Computer Vision algorithms to recognize hand gestures and voice commands, which works smoothly without any additional hardware requirements. It leverages models such as CNN implemented by MediaPipe running on top of pybind11. It consists of two modules: One which works direct on hands by making use of MediaPipe Hand detection, and other which makes use of Gloves of any uniform color. Currently it works on Windows platform.
Video Demonstration: link
Note: Use Python version: 3.8.5
click on dropdown to know more
Proton Launch Gesture Recognition
Proton Stop Gesture Recognition
key in webcam window)Proton search {text_you_wish_to_search}
Proton Find a Location
Proton list files
/ Proton list
Proton open {file_number}
Proton go back
/ Proton back
Proton what is today’s date
/ Proton date
Proton what is the time
/ Proton time
Proton Copy
Proton Paste
Proton bye
Proton wake up
Proton Exit
Python: (3.6 - 3.8.5)
Anaconda Distribution: To download click here.
git clone
For detailed information about cloning visit here.
Step 1:
conda create --name gest python=3.8.5
Step 2:
conda activate gest
Step 3:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 4:
conda install PyAudio
conda install pywin32
Step 5:
cd to the GitHub Repo till src folder
Command may look like: cd C:\Users\.....\Gesture-Controlled-Virtual-Mouse\src
Step 6:
For running Voice Assistant:
( You can enable Gesture Recognition by using the command “Proton Launch Gesture Recognition” )
Or to run only Gesture Recognition without the voice assisstant:
Uncomment last 2 lines of Code in the file
Viral Doshi | GitHub | |||
Nishiket Bidawat | Github | |||
Ankit Sharma | GitHub | |||
Parth Sakariya | Github |