项目作者: ntshvicky

项目描述 :
A NLP/NLU chatbot in Java, spring-boot, web socket, Speech Recognition, Natural language Processing, NLU and AIML
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/ntshvicky/AimlChatbot.git
创建时间: 2020-11-25T07:48:17Z




A NLP chatbot in Java, spring-boot, web socket and AIML


  1. Add ab.jar in project (available with this repo)
  2. Update path of ab.jar in pom.xml
  3. Clean and Build pom.xml file
  4. Update chat script as per your need on src\main\resources\bots\super\aimlif and aiml folder (it is good to write your own dataset based on this format)
  5. update js and css and html as per your need… you can try it on android also..this is just a java application with spring..insetad of Maven update your code as Gradle.

Reference for WebSocket :- https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/#scratch

Reference for AIML :- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/aiml/index.htm

This alice bot aiml dataset and code i had found long year ago..so do not have remember the URL, But you can update it by yourself….or Google as AliceBot or how to use Ab.Jar