项目作者: xaju5

项目描述 :
A cyber-range that deploys a Capture The Flag game to test the cybersecurity of Kubernetes, Openstack and Open Source Mano
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/xaju5/CyberRange-MT.git
创建时间: 2021-06-16T14:34:40Z



This repository is a compilation of the software developed for my Master Thesis in Telecommunications Technology.

It is about a cyber-range that deploys a Capture The Flag game to test the cybersecurity of Kubernetes, Openstack and Open Source Mano.


A collection of Virtualized Network Functions (VNF) and Network Services (NS) descriptors for Open Source Mano (OSM). Some of the NS use a Juju charm which are fully implemented with Python.


An Eclipse Dinamic Web project for the validation of the cyber range exercises. I run it on a 8.5 Apache Tomcat server, but it may work for another type of web server.
It consists of 3 pages: a validation page to fill out a form, a score page to view the test results, and a results page that lists the scores of all users.
Download the CTFWebValidator.war file and deploy it on a Tomcat server to run the application.


A openssh helm-chart with major vulnerabilities. The goal of this helm-charts is to test a privilege escalation on a Kubernetes cluster. For that purpouse, it uses a wrong configured hostpath volume to gain access to the host of the running Kubernetes pod. Be careful when installing it!