项目作者: kuroidoruido
项目描述 :
Simple RPG character sheet manager for players and GMs (without any backend).
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/kuroidoruido/virtual-rpg-character-sheet.git

Simple RPG character sheet manager for players and GMs.
This tool aims to work without any back ou server, just the web client host somewhere.
Disclaimer: THIS IS A WORKING IN PROGRESS PROJECT SO IT’S NOT A PERFECT TOOL! You are welcome for tests and give feedback!
See deployed version on Github Pages

State of the project
What’s working?
- can play to some games
- can save (local storage = in your browser) your sheet state
- have different placeholders:
- text (static, readonly)
- checkbox/checkbox bar (for example for Call of Cthulhu v7 we can use this for life point)
- textarea (for multiline text input)
- computed input (for value that depends from other ones)
- a simple dice roller
- Save with Ctrl+Shift+s
- free note zone (for taking notes during a session)
- share link: will offer a way to make someone else our sheet (without server)
- radio element (grouped) with differents visual shape (cross, circle, square)
Supported games
- Billet Rouge
- Cats! La Mascarade
- FR Bastet sheet
- FR Cat sheet
- FR Cat 2 sheet
- FR Human sheet
- Cthulhu v7:
- Nains & Jardins
What’s next?
- Save needed indicator (when data are changed and we have not saved yet)
- import/export feature
- print mode (convert editable field as static field, make multiple page on column, make it fit in A4 pages)
- can keep more than one character for one particular game for one user
- a sheet builder assistant (because it’s really boring to make it through json…)
- insert image (character photo), should be save as Base64 to have no external files + resize/compress to be lightweight
- home page with product presentation
- replace local storage by IndexedDB
Getting started with development
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm start
- Open
in your browser
All this project is under GNU General Public Licence 3.0 (see LICENSE file) except character sheets that are under them authors copyright.
If you are one of the author of these character sheets, you can contact me for any question.