Tribal Wars Planner django app, professional tool for creating outlines for off-game coordinators.
Stage environment:
Test coverage ~85%, see Codecov raport
If you want to run it in development you will need
In your favourite folder e.g. Desktop:
git clone
cd Tribal-Wars-Planer
Then create file .env
in Tribal-Wars-Planer from template file .env.example
Then run
poetry install
# it will be default create virtualenv in ~.cache/pypoetry/virutalenvs/tribal-wars-planer-asod(some random signs)
# You need to activate it.
# Honestly, you can also use just python3.12 -m venv .venv and run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt but above is prefered way
pre-commit install
# adds pre-commit stuff
Run database with docker and then python dev server
docker-compose up -d postgres_dev
# This set up db container
bash scripts/
# migrations, creates admin/admin superuser, creates media and prometheus dirs, creates game servers
python runserver
# Runs development server at localhost:8000
To run tests with coverage report
To run makemessages/compilemessages (the project is in English, every string is then translated to Polish)
# every machine - using dockerfiles
docker compose -f docker-compose.translation.yml run --rm trans
This project maintains one docker images, the same one for server and for scheduling tasks. It’s hosted via dockerhub and supports arm64 and amd64 architectures.
NOTE, from 3.0.0 images support both linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 architectures.
NOTE, from 4.0.0 image twp-cronjobs is deprecated, please update for support. Cronjobs tasks are now runned from the main image.
Note, there are also other tags like stage
or stable
, but latest should be prefered choice.
Contains TWP Django server based on python:3.13.0
docker image, with nginx/1.18.0 + uwsgi for webserver stack and tiny Python cron-like lib schedule for tasks and many more open source software.
Environment variables:
SECRET_KEY - required - app secret key
DEBUG - optional - debug boolean, defaults to False
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME - optional - first superuser username, defaults to admin
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD - optional - first superuser password, defaults to admin
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL - optional - first superuser email, defaults to
MAIN_DOMAIN - optional - main domain used, defaults to localhost
SUB_DOMAIN - optional - sub domain used, defaults to empty string
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS - optional - list of domain that can perform POST and other unsafe requests to the app eg. https://domain1,https://domain2,http://domain3
, see django docs, defaults to http://localhost:8000,http://localhost:7999
POSTGRES_NAME - optional - postgres database name, defaults to postgres
POSTGRES_USER - optional - postgres database user, defaults to postgres
POSTGRES_PASSWORD - optional - postgres database password, defaults to postgres
POSTGRES_HOST - optional - postgres database host, defaults to postgres
POSTGRES_PORT - optional - postgres database port, defaults to 5432
DATABASE_SSL_MODE_ON - optional - Require TLS/SSL when connecting to the database, defaults to False
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL - optional - email of site owner, used to send emails on errors and certs expiration, defaults to
STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY - optional - stripe public key, defaults to empty string
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY - optional - stripe secret key, defaults to empty string
STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET - optional - stripe endpoint, defaults to empty string
EMAIL_BACKEND - optional - email backend, refer to django docs, defaults to django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - optional - AWS SES account key id, defaults to empty string
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - optional - AWS SES account secret, defaults to empty string
AWS_SES_REGION_NAME - optional - AWS SES region, defaults to empty string
AWS_SES_REGION_ENDPOINT - optional - AWS SES region endpoint, defaults to empty string
METRICS_EXPORT_ENDPOINT_SECRET - optional - secret that allow (prometheus scrapers) access to
, defaults to secret
UWSGI_PROCESSES - optional - number of uwsgi processes spawned in the container, defaults to 1
PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_VALIDATION_ON - optional - is premium account required to create more targets, defaults to False
PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_MAX_TARGETS_FREE - optional - max targets allowed without premium account, defaults to 25
REGISTRATION_OPEN - optional - is registration on site allowed, defaults to True
JOB_LIFETIME_MAX_SECS - optional - Stops cronjob function after JOB_LIFETIME_MAX_SECS seconds, defaults to 0
and that means it will not stop ever. If number is greater than 0
, it must be also greater or equal to 120
(2 min).
JOB_MIN_INTERVAL - optional - minimal time when database info about villages, players, worlds will be updated in minutes, defaults to 10
JOB_MAX_INTERVAL - optional - maximal time when database info about villages, players, worlds will be updated in minutes, defautls to 15