Live streaming (RTMP, HLS, SRT). Available at Apple Store.
Moved to ItsMyLive
It’s my live is available for free at the Apple Store. Available for iPhone and iPad.
It’s my Live is a live distribution application.
It is only distribution. There is no ability to save and receive video.
HLS can be played on Safari on Mac or Edge on Win. You can play the camera image by entering the address displayed on MyLive in the browser address (local network only)
Enter URL and KEY in App. Note that the KEY changes each time the button is pressed.
e.g. rtmp://xxxx/test/test1
URL = rtmp://xxxx/test
KEY = test1
Japanese Article (日本語記事)
FFMpeg does not support SRT by default, so it needs to be built.
MyLive srt://(YourPC_IP):3000
FFPlay -i “srt://”
MyLive srt://:3000 or srt://localhost:3000
FFPlay -i “srt://(iOS_IP):3000”
Please in 日本語 or English