Collection of Icinga 2 check plugins.
Icinga check for different NAS (currently: Synology, QNAP)
check_nas.php [options]
-t NAS-Type/ Vendor (Currently supported: synology, qnap)
-m Mode (Currently supported: disks, volumes, memory, upgrade, cpu)
-s SNMP-Community
-v SNMP-Version (Currently supported: 1, 2c)
-h Host
-w Warnlimit
-c Critlimit
synology disks
synology volumes
synology memory
synology upgrade
synology cpu
qnap disks
qnap volumes
qnap memory
qnap cpu
Icinga check for Sophos UTM
check_sophos.php [options]
-m Mode (Currently available: cpu, memory, interfaces)
-v SNMP-Version (Currently supported: 1, 2c)
-s SNMP-Community
-h Host
-w Warnlimit
-c Critlimit
Icinga check for different switches (currently: HP)
check_switch.php [options]
-m Mode (Currently available: cpu, memory, interfaces, temp)
-v SNMP-Version (Currently supported: 1, 2c)
-s SNMP-Community
-h Host
-w Warnlimit
-c Critlimit
--mintemp Minimum operating temperature
--maxtemp Maximum operating temperature
Note: warnlimit and critlimit are given as percentage of the operating temperature range. Example: mintemp=5°C, maxtemp=15°C, critlimit=95 -> CRITICAL above 14.5°C and below 5.5°C.
hp temp
hp cpu
hp memory
hp interfaces
Icinga check for different printers (currently: Kyocera)
check_printer.php [options]
-t Type (Currently supported: kyocera)
-m Mode (Currently available: pages, supplies, inputs)
-v SNMP-Version (Currently supported: 1, 2c)
-s SNMP-Community
-h Host
-w Warnlimit
-c Critlimit
--ignoreSheetFeedManual Manual sheet feeds are empty on a lot of devices on a regular base; set this true to ignore empty or low-on-input sheetFeedManual's in the inputs-check and treat them as ok instead
kyocera pages
kyocera supplies
kyocera inputs
Icinga check for uninterruptible power supplies (currently: Schneider Electric APC)
check_ups.php [options]
-t Type (Currently supported: apc)
-m Mode (Currently available: battery, input, output)
-v SNMP-Version (Currently supported: 1, 2c)
-s SNMP-Community
-h Host
-w Warnlimit
-c Critlimit
--minvoltage Minimum safe voltage on input line (only for mode "input")
--maxvoltage Maximum safe voltage on input line (only for mode "input")
apc battery
apc input
apc output