项目作者: ushangt

项目描述 :
Coding Exercise for Pluralsight
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/ushangt/PluralsightCodingExercise.git
创建时间: 2017-11-11T00:47:08Z



Pluralsight Coding Exercise

Tech Stack Used:

  • Backend: Node.js/Express/REST
  • Javascript Frontend: Node.js/Bootstrap Material/Jade
  • Database: sqlite3, Sequelize, (Ruby for initialization)

Steps to be followed after cloning the repo:

1. Install dependencies:

Make sure you have Node JS and npm installed. If you want to re-create the DB you will also need Ruby installed.
After that open Terminal at the project folder and hit npm install

2. Load the Database:

The database related files are all in the db folder. It has the challenege CSV dump as well.
The first step is to move the csv file contents into sqlite3 database. It is done using a simple Ruby script. I am
not much of an expert on ruby and thus wrote some simple code. Anyways

cd db/seed and type ruby seed-sqlite.rb

This generates a plural-sight.sqlite3 database file in the db folder.

3. Run in development mode:

Navigate back to the project root folder and type:

npm start and browse http://localhost:3000/ on any modern browser.

To check the api endpoints either use POSTMAN or INSOMNIA.

RESTful API Enpoints:

  • GET: /api/question - Gets all the questions form the database
  • GET: /api/question/:id - Gets the question specified by the id
  • POST: api/question - Creates a new question & adds it to the database
  • PUT: /api/question/:id - Updates an existing question with the specified id

Example Body for POST & PUT calls:

  1. {
  2. "question" : "What is 400 * 4 ?",
  3. "answer" : "1600",
  4. "distractors" : "8000, 80"
  5. }