项目作者: duskwuff

项目描述 :
An example of how to use the Xilinx ISE toolchain from the command line
高级语言: Makefile
项目地址: git://github.com/duskwuff/Xilinx-ISE-Makefile.git
创建时间: 2015-06-24T17:26:18Z

开源协议:The Unlicense


Xilinx ISE Makefile

Tired of clicking around in Xilinx ISE? Run your builds from the command line!


  • Xilinx ISE, ideally 14.7 (the final version)

  • GNU (or compatible?) Make

    Install this through Cygwin on Windows.

Creating a project

To start building a project, you will need to create a file project.cfg in
the top level of your project. This file is a text file sourced by Make, so
it consists of KEY = value pairs. It must define at least the following keys:


    The name of the project, used as a name for certain intermediate files, and
    as the default name for the top-level module and constraints file.


    The full part-speed-package identifier for the Xilinx part to be targeted,
    e.g. xc6slx9-2-tqg144.


    The path to the appropriate binaries directory of the target Xilinx ISE
    install, e.g.
    for typical installs.


    The space-separated names of all Verilog and/or VHDL source files to be
    used in the project.

    You can define these on multiple lines using +=, e.g.

    1. VSOURCE += foo.v
    2. VSOURCE += bar.v

A simple project.cfg may thus resemble:

  1. PROJECT = example
  2. TARGET_PART = xc6slx9-2-cpg196
  3. XILINX = /cygdrive/c/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/nt64
  4. VSOURCE = example.v

A number of other keys can be set in the project configuration, including:


    The Xilinx name for the platform to build for, e.g. nt64 or lin.
    nt64 is used by default for Windows systems, and lin64 for Linux
    systems, so you only need to set this if you explicitly need to use the
    32-bit version of the tools for some reason.


    The name of the top-level module to be used in the project.
    (Defaults to $PROJECT.)


    The name of the constraints file (.ucf) to be used for the project.
    (Defaults to $PROJECT.ucf.)


    Extra command-line options to be passed to all ISE executables. Defaults to
    -intstyle xflow.


    Extra command-line options to be passed to the corresponding ISE tools. All
    default to empty.

    Note that XST_OPTS will not appear on the command line during
    compilation, as the XST options are embedded in a script file.

    MAP_OPTS and PAR_OPTS can be set to -mt 2 to use multithreading,
    which may speed up compilation of large designs.

    BITGEN_OPTS can be set to -g Compress to apply bitstream compression.


    The name of the programmer to be used for make prog. Currently supported
    values are:

    • impact

      Uses Xilinx iMPACT for programming, using a batch file named
      impact.cmd by default. The iMPACT command line may be overridden by
      setting IMPACT_OPTS.

      A typical batch file may resemble:

      1. setMode -bscan
      2. setCable -p auto
      3. addDevice -p 1 -file build/projectname.bit
      4. program -p 1
      5. quit
    • digilent

      Uses the Digilent JTAG utility for programming, which must be installed
      separately. The name of the board must be set as DJTG_DEVICE; the
      path to the djtgcfg executable can be set as DJTG_EXE, and the index
      of the device can be set as DJTG_INDEX.

    • xc3sprog

      Uses the xc3sprog utility for programming, which must also be installed
      separately. The cable name must be set as XC3SPROG_CABLE; additional
      options can be set as XC3SPROG_OPTS.


The Xilinx ISE Makefile implements the following targets:

  • make default (or just make)

    Builds the bitstream.

  • make clean

    Removes the build directory.

  • make prog

    Writes the bitstream to a target device. Requires some additional
    configuration; see below for details.

Running unit tests

is a work in progress.

Unimplemented features

The following features are not currently implemented. (Pull requests are

  • Generation of SPI or other unusual programming files

  • CPLD synthesis

  • Synthesis tools other than XST

  • Display and/or handling of warnings and errors from build/_xmsgs

  • Anything else (open an issue?)


To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.

See LICENSE.md for details.