项目作者: jakubcabal

项目描述 :
RMII Firewall FPGA
高级语言: VHDL
项目地址: git://github.com/jakubcabal/rmii-firewall-fpga.git
创建时间: 2019-09-09T19:58:15Z

开源协议:MIT License


RMII Firewall FPGA

The project “RMII Firewall FPGA” is VHDL implementation of 100 Mbps (RMII) firewall for FPGA. The RMII Firewall FPGA allows to filter Ethernet packets according to MAC or IP addresses. The Wishbone bus is used to control the entire design. The Wishbone requests can be transmitted from a PC via the UART interface. The target device is FPGA board CYC1000 by Trenz Electronic. As Ethernet PHY are used two LAN8720 boards connected to FPGA via RMII interfaces.

Current status

In development, it may not work properly!

Top level diagram

  1. +---------+ +-------------+ +---------+
  2. ETH0 <===| RMII |<===| FIREWALL in |<===| RMII |<=== ETH1
  3. PORT ===>| MAC |===>| both ways |===>| MAC |===> PORT
  4. +----+----+ +------+------+ +----+----+
  5. +================+================+ WISHBONE BUS
  6. +----+----+ +----+----+
  7. UART <---| UART2WB | | SYSTEM |
  8. PORT --->| MASTER | | MODULE |
  9. +---------+ +---------+

Main modules description

  • RMII MAC - Receiving and transmitting Ethernet packets on the RMII interface (limitations: only 100 Mbps full duplex mode, no CRC checking).
  • FIREWALL - Parses (extraction of MAC and IP addresses) and filters incoming packets by MAC or IP address.
  • UART2WB MASTER - Transmits the Wishbone requests and responses via UART interface (Wishbone bus master module).
  • SYSTEM MODULE - Basic system control and status registers (version, debug space etc.) accessible via Wishbone bus.

Resource usage summary:

Module LE (LUT+FF) LUT FF BRAM (M9k) Fmax
FPGA (whole design) 11471 6671‬ 10147 52 70.2 MHz
Some submodules: === === === === ===
UART2WBM 192 103 156 0 303.9 MHz
RX_RMII_MAC 1061 848 894 4 149.0 MHz
TX_RMII_MAC 370 232 318 3 165.7 MHz
Firewall 4121 2116 3746 19 153.6 MHz

Implementation was performed using Quartus Prime Lite Edition 18.1.0 for FPGA Intel Cyclone 10 LP 10CL025YU256C8G.

Address space

  1. 0xOOOO - 0x3FFF -- System module
  2. 0x4000 - 0x40FF -- ETH PORT0 - RX RMII MAC module
  3. 0x4100 - 0x41FF -- ETH PORT0 - TX RMII MAC module
  4. 0x4200 - 0x5FFF -- Reserved
  5. 0x6000 - 0x60FF -- ETH PORT1 - RX RMII MAC module
  6. 0x6100 - 0x61FF -- ETH PORT1 - TX RMII MAC module
  7. 0x6200 - 0x7FFF -- Reserved
  8. 0x8000 - 0x83FF -- Firewall module (ETH PORT0 to PORT1)
  9. 0x8400 - 0x87FF -- MatchUnit MAC_DST (ETH PORT0 to PORT1)
  10. 0x8800 - 0x8BFF -- MatchUnit MAC_SRC (ETH PORT0 to PORT1)
  11. 0x8C00 - 0x8FFF -- MatchUnit IPV4_DST (ETH PORT0 to PORT1)
  12. 0x9000 - 0x93FF -- MatchUnit IPV4_SRC (ETH PORT0 to PORT1)
  13. 0x9400 - 0x97FF -- MatchUnit IPV6_DST (ETH PORT0 to PORT1)
  14. 0x9800 - 0x9BFF -- MatchUnit IPV6_SRC (ETH PORT0 to PORT1)
  15. 0x9C00 - 0x9FFF -- Reserved
  16. 0xA000 - 0xA3FF -- Firewall module (ETH PORT1 to PORT0)
  17. 0xA400 - 0xA7FF -- MatchUnit MAC_DST (ETH PORT1 to PORT0)
  18. 0xA800 - 0xABFF -- MatchUnit MAC_SRC (ETH PORT1 to PORT0)
  19. 0xAC00 - 0xAFFF -- MatchUnit IPV4_DST (ETH PORT1 to PORT0)
  20. 0xB000 - 0xB3FF -- MatchUnit IPV4_SRC (ETH PORT1 to PORT0)
  21. 0xB400 - 0xB7FF -- MatchUnit IPV6_DST (ETH PORT1 to PORT0)
  22. 0xB800 - 0xBBFF -- MatchUnit IPV6_SRC (ETH PORT1 to PORT0)
  23. 0xBC00 - 0xFFFF -- Reserved


The RMII Firewall FPGA is available under the MIT license (MIT). Please read LICENSE file.