Vertex 6 FPGA GTx Transciever Simulation in Xilinx ISE using Xilinx IP Core
Serial communication between two Vertex 6 FPGA using vertex 6 GTx IP core. Simulation is done in Xilinx ISE 14.1 simualtor. Check the pdf file, FPGA_GTX_MANUAL in this repository for additional guideline. Output waveforms and additionals instructions are in the steps folder.
The design uses Block RAM based frame generators which provide incremental test data (HEX format) to the GTXs for transmission. You can modify the data transmitted by changing the INIT values of the frame generator in vertex6_gtx_tx_component_top.v
& vertex6_gtx_rx_component_top.v
Test bench for this design is in simualtion folder with name top_test_bench.v
First change the directory to
Then in Xilinx ISE Cmd type
Please check the following resource for better understanding of this repository.
For Vertex-6 FPGA GTx Transcieiver, check the following guide
For using the IP core for Vertex-6 GTx, check LogiCORE™ IP Virtex®-6 FPGA GTX Transceiver Wizard.
For using Block RAM of Vertex-6, check the following guide