项目作者: sergeivolodin

项目描述 :
Comparing different methods (CPO, Lyapunov, own sPPO) for safe continuous-state RL as part of EE-618 course at EPFL
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/sergeivolodin/SafeContinuousStateRL.git
创建时间: 2019-04-10T16:51:53Z



Projected Proximal Policy Optimization

Sergei Volodin. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)

Course project for Theory and Methods of Reinforcement Learning, EE-618 at EPFL


We consider CPO, sDQN, PPPO and a random agent. See our report for more details

How to run experiments

Tested on Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS with 12 CPU, 60GB of RAM and 2x GPU NVidia GeForce 1080.

  1. Install Anaconda (Python 3.7 option)
  2. Clone/download: git clone https://github.com/sergeivolodin/SafeContinuousStateRL.git; cd SafeContinuousStateRL
  3. Install requirements: conda env create -f environment.yml
  4. Run all settings by calling run_all.sh
  5. It will produce output/*.output files and output/figures/*.pdf files, as well as will output run information to run_*.txt
  6. Run the analyze_run.ipynb notebook to produce figures

Project structure

  1. experiment.py is the main file containing one experiment (loading agent, training, computing metrics)
  2. saferl.py defines a ConstrainedEnvironment and the ConstrainedAgent abstract classes as well as helpers and the function to create a safe environment make_safe_env
  3. sppo.py implements Projected Proximal Policy Optimization
  4. baselines.py implements CPO and a random agent
  5. cartpole_safety_sdqn.ipynb is the (non-working) implementation of sDQN
  6. config.py contains the parameters of the experiment
  7. helpers.py contains the functions for run analysis
  8. tf_helpers.py contains some helper functions using TensorFlow
  9. costs.py implements costs for environments
  10. cartpole_safety_a2c.ipynb implements an (unsafe) A2C
  11. tfshow.py embeds a TF graph into a Jupyter notebook, from StackOverflow
  12. create_run.py creates the .sh script from config.py
  13. analyze_run.ipynb analyzes output produced by training (the .sh script) and writes output to run_*.txt and figures to output/figures
  14. output/*.sh files consist of many lines of the form python ../experiment.py --param1 v1 --param2 v2 ..., running at most 16 processes in total (8 per GPU)
  15. output/*.output files contain outputs of experiment.py (one run corresponds to one file)
  16. output/figures contains generated figures
  17. run_setting.sh runs a particular setting (create + .sh + analyze) and writes data to a file
  18. run_all.sh runs all settings
  19. Other files are not used