A browser-based parser built to process and browse through the log files generated by the MicroStrategy Web and Mobile servers, under MSTR/WEB-INF/log/.
This is a simple browser-based parser built to process and browse through the log files generated by MicroStrategy Web, under MSTRWeb/WEB-INF/log/. This parser should also be able to process log files from the MicroStrategy Mobile server.
This specific project is built with:
See the latest code in-action here:
This demo is a live implementation of the latest code in this repository, the link can be bookmarked for easy access.
Report issues and request enhancements in the issue tracker, or contact Tiago:
View the changelog of the parser:
The logic driving the parser has error handling in place. If anything can’t be parsed for any reason, it’ll throw a visible error in the interface. Please let me know if this happens.
Installs dependencies and launches development instance in default browser. Any file-changes automatically update browser instance.
Install Ruby, if not yet installed
$ gem install sass
Install gulp dependencies
$ npm install -d
Run with gulp
$ gulp
The production build produces a zip file, or can be accessed directly via the build directory.
Install Ruby, if not yet installed
$ gem install sass
Install gulp dependencies
$ npm install -d
Build with gulp
$ gulp build
Contains all source code that is modified and should be optimized in any way:
Contains production-ready project with heavy code optimization.
Contains development instance of project with minimal code processing for easier debugging. Debugger statements are not removed here.
Gulp tasks used to automate build & optimization process.
For information on gulp refer to: https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp
npm depencenies for project.
To be added later.