项目作者: wengwenjun

项目描述 :
Carpool Application base on Firebase Sign In/ Register Find aviable cars nearby current location Post A Carpool/Request A Carpool Choose nearby carpool and send a notifcation to the driver Driver can confirm the request Passenger and Driver can chat Carpool History/ Rate carpool experience
高级语言: Objective-C
项目地址: git://github.com/wengwenjun/Carpool.git
创建时间: 2017-05-16T15:52:49Z





Object c
Fackbook/Google SDK
Apple Mapkit
APNS(Push notification)


Carpool Application base on Firebase
Sign In/ Register
Find aviable cars nearby current location
Post A Carpool/Request A Carpool
Choose nearby carpool and send a notifcation to the driver
Driver can confirm the request
Passenger and Driver can chat
Carpool History/ Rate carpool experience


CarPool.in is a carpooling or ridesharing based social networking application that allows registered and verified users to be drivers or riders. Anyone could be a rider or a driver this is what sets it apart from cab hailing companies like Uber or Lyft. Carpooling is an activity deemed towards protecting the environment. Users heading in the same direction can pair up with each other and drive each other to a mutual location thereby saving natural resources like gas and reducing air pollution.
The process is fairly simple. The app will only have one module that works as both driver and rider. For somebody who will be driving that day:
● He/she enters his starting location, their destination, time of departure.
● A record for this ride is created in the database and is shown to all users.
● Once a ride has been established, the driver and rider can chat from within the app and 
when the ride is done they can provide a rating for each other. 
For somebody who needs a ride:
● He/she scans through the list of available carpools.
● Can sort based on time, leaving nearest from his/her current location, or to a specific destination.
● On selecting a carpool, a confirmation message is sent out to the driver.
● Once a ride has been established, the driver and rider can chat from within the app

Home Screen

Request A Ride

Post A Ride


