A simple node skeleton built for writing REST APIs following best practices
A simple node skeleton built for writing REST APIs following best practices.
Contains basic CRUD operations, logger, middleware and schema validation.
git clone https://github.com/mustanish/firexpress
thendocker-compose up -d
inside project root directory thendocker exec -it db bash
thenpsql -U postgres
The directory structure of the application:
bin/ Contains server startup logic
configs/ Contains all configs used in application
connectors/ Contains all connectors used in application
constants/ Contains all constants used in application
controllers/ Contains all controllers used in application
middlewares/ Contains all middleware used in application
models/ Contains all models used in application
routes/ Contains all routes used in application
schema/ Contains all schema used in application
utils/ Contains all utilities used in application
POST http://localhost:3000/group (Add Group)
PATCH http://localhost:3000/group/:id (Update Group)
DELETE http://localhost:3000/group/:id (Delete Group)
GET http://localhost:3000/group/:id (Get single group)
GET http://localhost:3000/groups (Get all groups)