项目作者: gilcrest

项目描述 :
HTTP Logging Middleware for Go
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/gilcrest/httplog.git
创建时间: 2018-08-25T23:44:54Z

开源协议:MIT License


httplog - HTTP Request and Response Logging

!!!!WARNING!!!! - This package works, but is something I wrote a long time ago and really needs to be updated. I logged Issue #8 to some day address this.


  1. go get -u github.com/gilcrest/httplog



External Dependencies

httplog has two external libraries that it depends on, listed below.

  • github.com/pkg/errors
  • github.com/rs/zerolog
  • github.com/rs/xid

If you plan to use the Database Logging feature of httplog, you will need to extract the httplogDDL.sql file included in the workspace and run this on your own PostgreSQL database. This script is pretty raw right now and will be made better if there is interest.


httplog logs http requests and responses. It’s highly configurable, e.g. in production, log all response and requests, but don’t log the body or headers, in your dev environment log everything and so on. httplog also has different ways to log depending on your preference — structured logging via JSON, relational database logging or just plain standard library logging.

httplog has logic to turn on/off logging based on options you can either pass in to the middleware handler or from a JSON input file included with the library.

httplog offers three middleware choices, each of which adhere to fairly common middleware patterns: a simple HandlerFunc (LogHandlerFunc), a function (LogHandler) which takes a handler and returns a handler (often used with alice) and finally, a function (LogAdapter), which returns an Adapter type (based on @matryer/writing-middleware-in-golang-and-how-go-makes-it-so-much-fun-4375c1246e81">Mat Ryer’s post). An httplog.Adapt function and httplog.Adapter type are provided for the latter.

Beyond logging request and response elements, httplog creates a unique id for each incoming request (using xid) and sets it (and a few other key request elements) into the request context. You can access these context items using provided helper functions, including a function that returns an httplog.Audit struct which bundles all these items for response payloads to provide clients with helpful information for support.



Each middleware takes a minimum of three parameters:

  • log - an instance of zerolog.logger

  • db - a pointer to a sql database (PostgreSQL)

    • You can set this parameter to nil if you are not planning to log to PostgreSQL
  • o - an httplog.Opts struct which has the all of the logging configurations

    • You can set this parameter to nil and httplog will use options from the httpLogOpt.json file
    • If you prefer not to use the httpLogOpt.json file, simply initialize the httplog.Opts struct and all values are set to false (the whole struct is boolean flags and in Go, a boolean’s zero value is false). You can then pick and choose which flags to turn on via code.

Middleware Examples

The below examples are taken from go-API-template. It uses all three httplog middlewares for example sake. You obviously would choose 1 pattern and stick to that (for the most part).

  1. package app
  2. import (
  3. "github.com/gilcrest/go-API-template/datastore"
  4. "github.com/gilcrest/httplog"
  5. "github.com/justinas/alice"
  6. )
  7. // routes registers handlers to the router
  8. func (s *server) routes() error {
  9. // Get a logger instance from the server struct
  10. log := s.logger
  11. // Get pointer to logging database to pass into httplog
  12. // Only need this if you plan to use the PostgreSQL
  13. // logging style of httplog
  14. logdb, err := s.ds.DB(datastore.LogDB)
  15. if err != nil {
  16. return err
  17. }
  18. // httplog.NewOpts gets a new httplog.Opts struct
  19. // (with all flags set to false)
  20. opts := httplog.NewOpts()
  21. // For the examples below, I chose to turn on db logging only
  22. // Log the request headers only (body has password on this api!)
  23. // Log both the response headers and body
  24. opts.Log2DB.Enable = true
  25. opts.Log2DB.Request.Header = true
  26. opts.Log2DB.Response.Header = true
  27. opts.Log2DB.Response.Body = true
  28. // HandlerFunc middleware example
  29. // function takes an http.HandlerFunc and returns an http.HandlerFunc
  30. // Also, match only POST requests with Content-Type header = application/json
  31. s.router.HandleFunc("/v1/handlefunc/user",
  32. httplog.LogHandlerFunc(s.handleUserCreate(), log, logdb, opts)).
  33. Methods("POST").
  34. Headers("Content-Type", "application/json")
  35. // function (`LogHandler`) that takes a handler and returns a handler (aka Constructor)
  36. // (`func (http.Handler) http.Handler`) - used with alice
  37. // Also, match only POST requests with Content-Type header = application/json
  38. s.router.Handle("/v1/alice/user",
  39. alice.New(httplog.LogHandler(log, logdb, opts)).
  40. ThenFunc(s.handleUserCreate())).
  41. Methods("POST").
  42. Headers("Content-Type", "application/json")
  43. // Adapter Type middleware example
  44. // Also, match only POST requests with Content-Type header = application/json
  45. s.router.Handle("/v1/adapter/user",
  46. httplog.Adapt(s.handleUserCreate(),
  47. httplog.LogAdapter(log, logdb, opts))).
  48. Methods("POST").
  49. Headers("Content-Type", "application/json")
  50. return nil
  51. }

Configurable Logging

The boolean fields found within the Opts struct type drive the rules for what logging features are turned on. You can have one to three log styles turned on using this file (or none, if you so choose). Below are all the boolean options in the struct.

Note: Right now, this struct for options serves its purpose and is pretty simple. I have read Dave Cheney’s great post on Functional Options for Friendly APIs and it’s great - I may switch to this style later.

  1. // Log2StdOut
  2. opts.Log2StdOut.Request.Enable
  3. opts.Log2StdOut.Request.Options.Header
  4. opts.Log2StdOut.Request.Options.Body
  5. opts.Log2StdOut.Response.Enable
  6. opts.Log2StdOut.Response.Options.Header
  7. opts.Log2StdOut.Response.Options.Body
  8. // Log2DB
  9. opts.Log2DB.Enable
  10. opts.Log2DB.Request.Header
  11. opts.Log2DB.Request.Body
  12. opts.Log2DB.Response.Header
  13. opts.Log2DB.Response.Body
  14. // DumpRequest
  15. opts.HTTPUtil.DumpRequest.Body
  16. opts.HTTPUtil.DumpRequest.Body
  1. Pass an Opts struct when using one of the given middleware functions. httplog.NewOpts will return an Opts struct with all logging turned off. You can then set whichever logging style and option you like.
  2. If you do not pass an Opts struct to one of the provided middlewares, there is code in each that will import/marshal the httpLogOpt.json file found in the root of the httplog library into the Opts struct type. You can change log configuration by altering the boolean values present in this file.

Log Style 1: Structured via JSON

JSON Request Logging

Set log_json.Request.enable in the HTTP Log Config File or opts.Log2StdOut.Request.Enable to true in the httplog.Opts struct to enable http request logging as JSON (so long as you have properly “chained” the middleware). The output for a request looks something like:

  1. {"time":1517970302,"level":"info","request_id":"b9t66vma6806ln8iak8g","header_json":"{\"Accept\":[\"*/*\"],\"Accept-Encoding\":[\"gzip, deflate\"],\"Cache-Control\":[\"no-cache\"],\"Connection\":[\"keep-alive\"],\"Content-Length\":[\"129\"],\"Content-Type\":[\"application/json\"],\"Postman-Token\":[\"9949f5e5-b406-4e22-aff3-ab6ba6e7d841\"],\"User-Agent\":[\"PostmanRuntime/7.1.1\"]}","body":"{\"username\": \"repoMan\",\"mobile_ID\": \"1-800-repoman\",\"email\":\"repoman@alwaysintense.com\",\"First_Name\":\"Otto\",\"Last_Name\":\"Maddox\"}","method":"POST","scheme":"http","host":"","port":"8080","path":"/api/v1/appuser","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","proto_major":1,"proto_minor":1,"Content Length":129,"Transfer-Encoding":"","Close":false,"RemoteAddr":"","RequestURI":"/api/v1/appuser","message":"Request received"}

NOTE - the HTTP header key:value pairs and json from the body are represented as escaped JSON within the actual message. If you don’t want this data, set these fields to false in the JSON config file or httplog.Opts struct.

JSON Response Logging

Set log_json.Response.enable in the HTTP Log Config File or opts.Log2StdOut.Response.Enable to true to enable http response logging as JSON. The response output will look something like:

  1. {"time":1517970302,"level":"info","request_id":"b9t66vma6806ln8iak8g","response_code":200,"response_header":"{\"Content-Type\":[\"text/plain; charset=utf-8\"],\"Request-Id\":[\"b9t66vma6806ln8iak8g\"]}","response_body":"{\"username\":\"repoMan\",\"mobile_id\":\"1-800-repoman\",\"email\":\"repoman@alwaysintense.com\",\"first_name\":\"Otto\",\"last_name\":\"Maddox\",\"create_user_id\":\"gilcrest\",\"create_date\":\"2018-02-06T21:25:02.538322Z\",\"update_user_id\":\"\",\"update_date\":\"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z\"}\n{\"username\":\"repoMan\",\"mobile_id\":\"1-800-repoman\",\"email\":\"repoman@alwaysintense.com\",\"first_name\":\"Otto\",\"last_name\":\"Maddox\",\"create_user_id\":\"gilcrest\",\"create_date\":\"2018-02-06T21:25:02.538322Z\",\"update_user_id\":\"\",\"update_date\":\"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z\"}\n","message":"Response Sent"}

NOTE - same as request - the HTTP header key:value pairs and json from the body are represented as escaped JSON within the actual message. If you don’t want this data, set these fields to false in the JSON config file (httpLogOpt.json) or httplog.Opts struct.

Log Style 2: Relational DB Logging via PostgreSQL

Set log_2DB.enable to true in the HTTP Log Config File to enable Database logging to a PostgreSQL database. The DDL is provided within the ddl directory (httplogDDL.sql) and consists of one table and one stored function. Once enabled, Request and Response information will be logged as one transaction to the database. You can optionally choose to log request and response headers using the Options fields within the HTTP Log Config File or httplog.Opts struct.

Database Log

Logging Database Table

In total 20 fields are logged as part of the database transaction.

Column Name Datatype Description
request_id VARCHAR(100) Unique Request ID
client_id VARCHAR(100) API Client ID
request_timestamp TIMESTAMP UTC time request received
response_code INTEGER HTTP Response Code
response_timestamp TIMESTAMP UTC time response sent
duration_in_millis BIGINT Response time duration in milliseconds
protocol VARCHAR(20) HTTP protocol version, e.g. HTTP/1.1
protocol_major INTEGER HTTP protocol major version
protocol_minor INTEGER HTTP protocol minor version
request_method VARCHAR(10) HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)
scheme VARCHAR(100) URL scheme (http, https, etc.)
host VARCHAR(100) URL host
port VARCHAR(100) URL port
path VARCHAR(4000) URL path
remote_address VARCHAR(100) Network address which sent request
request_content_length BIGINT Request content length
request_header JSONB Key:Value pairs from HTTP request in JSON format
request_body TEXT Request body content
response_header JSONB Key:Value pairs from HTTP response in JSON format
response_body TEXT Response body content

Log Style 3: httputil DumpRequest or DumpResponse


Set httputil.DumpRequest.enable in the HTTP Log Config File or opts.HTTPUtil.DumpRequest.Enable in httplog.Opts to true to enable logging the request via the httputil.DumpRequest method. Nothing special here, really - just providing an easy way to turn this on or off. Output typically looks like:

  1. httputil.DumpRequest output:
  2. POST /api/v1/appuser HTTP/1.1
  3. Host:
  4. Accept: */*
  5. Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
  6. Cache-Control: no-cache
  7. Connection: keep-alive
  8. Content-Length: 129
  9. Content-Type: application/json
  10. Postman-Token: 6d1b2461-59e2-4c87-baf5-d8e64a93c55b
  11. User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.1.1
  12. {"username": "repoMan","mobile_ID": "1-800-repoman","email":"repoman@alwaysintense.com","First_Name":"Otto","Last_Name":"Maddox"}

NOTE - in order to log the body, set httputil.DumpRequest.body in httplogOpt.json or opts.HTTPUtil.DumpRequest.Enable in httplog.Opts to true. If you don’t want this data, set the appropriate field to false in the JSON config file (httpLogOpt.json) or httplog.Opts struct (depending on which method you chose).

Add Unique ID and Key Request Elements to Context

httplog middleware creates a unique ID to track each request. In addition, it adds several request elements to the request context that can be accessed with helper functions later.

Unique Request ID

Each request is given a 20 character Unique Request ID generated by xid. This unique ID is populated throughout each log type for easy tracking. This ID is also meant to be sent back to the client of your API either in the response header or response body (see below for further help on including httplog context items in a response body).

Other Request Elements added to Context

In addition to the generated Unique ID, httplog also adds the following request elements to the context:

  • Host
  • Port
  • Path
  • Raw Query
  • Fragment

Retrieve Unique ID and Key Request Elements from Context

In order to retrieve particular key:value pairs from the request context, the following helper functions are provided:

  1. // RequestID gets the Request ID from the context.
  2. func RequestID(ctx context.Context) string {
  1. // RequestHost gets the request host from the context
  2. func RequestHost(ctx context.Context) string {
  1. // RequestPort gets the request port from the context
  2. func RequestPort(ctx context.Context) string {
  1. // RequestPath gets the request URL from the context
  2. func RequestPath(ctx context.Context) string {
  1. // RequestRawQuery gets the request Query string details from the context
  2. func RequestRawQuery(ctx context.Context) string {
  1. // RequestFragment gets the request Fragment details from the context
  2. func RequestFragment(ctx context.Context) string {

Audit Struct for Response Payload

Some APIs may find it helpful to echo back certain request elements or helpful contextual information in the response payload. httplog provides httplog.Audit for just this purpose. Use constructor function httplog.NewAudit to initialize this struct. The unique Request ID will always be sent back as part of the struct — the other request elements are optional and can be turned on/off using the httplog.AuditOpts config struct. Below is a sample response with the audit struct included to give an idea of how it can be used. The example below is from the go-API-template repository which has examples of this audit struct in use.

  1. {
  2. "username": "15",
  3. "mobile_id": "1-800-repoman",
  4. "email": "repoman@alwaysintense.com",
  5. "first_name": "Otto",
  6. "last_name": "Maddox",
  7. "update_user_id": "chillcrest",
  8. "created": 1539138260,
  9. "audit": {
  10. "id": "beum5l708qml02e3hvag",
  11. "url": {
  12. "host": "",
  13. "port": "8080",
  14. "path": "/api/v1/adapter/user",
  15. "query": "qskey1=fake&qskey2=test"
  16. }
  17. }
  18. }

A snippet from the handleUserCreate handler function within go-API-template shows how to setup the AuditOpts struct and turn on a few options as well as plugging httplog.Audit into the response.

  1. // create new AuditOpts struct and set options to true that you
  2. // want to see in the response body (Request ID is always present)
  3. aopt := new(httplog.AuditOpts)
  4. aopt.Host = true
  5. aopt.Port = true
  6. aopt.Path = true
  7. aopt.Query = true
  8. // get a new httplog.Audit struct from NewAudit using the
  9. // above set options and request context
  10. aud, err := httplog.NewAudit(ctx, aopt)
  11. if err != nil {
  12. err = HTTPErr{
  13. Code: http.StatusInternalServerError,
  14. Kind: errs.Other,
  15. Err: err,
  16. }
  17. httpError(w, err)
  18. return
  19. }
  20. // create a new response struct and set Audit and other
  21. // relevant elements
  22. resp := new(response)
  23. resp.Audit = aud
  24. resp.Username = usr.Username()
  25. resp.MobileID = usr.MobileID()
  26. resp.Email = usr.Email()
  27. resp.FirstName = usr.FirstName()
  28. resp.LastName = usr.LastName()
  29. resp.UpdateUserID = usr.UpdateUserID()
  30. resp.UpdateUnixTime = usr.UpdateTimestamp().Unix()
  31. // Encode response struct to JSON for the response body
  32. json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(*resp)

Helpful Resources I’ve used in this library (outside of the standard, yet amazing blog.golang.org and golang.org/doc/, etc.)



Blog/Medium Posts

  • How I write Go HTTP services after seven years
  • @matryer/the-http-handler-wrapper-technique-in-golang-updated-bc7fbcffa702">The http Handler Wrapper Technique in #golang, updated — by Mat Ryer
  • @matryer/writing-middleware-in-golang-and-how-go-makes-it-so-much-fun-4375c1246e81">Writing middleware in #golang and how Go makes it so much fun. — by Mat Ryer