Simple pascal compiler written in java
Esta gramática é uma versão simples do pascal baseada na gramática do livro do Aho, Sethi and Ullman.
Você deve levar em consideração:
prog ::= PROGRAM pid ‘;’ body ‘.’
body ::= dclpart compstmt | compstmt
dclpart ::= VAR dcls | subdcls | VAR dcls subdcls
dcls ::= dcl | dcls dcl
dcl ::= idlist ‘:’ type ‘;’
idlist ::= id | idlist ‘,’ id
type ::= stdtype | arraytype
arraytype ::= ARRAY ‘[‘ num ‘..’ num ‘]’ OF stdtype
subdcls ::= subdcl | subdcls subdcl
subdcl ::= subhead ‘;’ body ‘;’
subhead ::= FUNCTION pid args ‘:’ stdtype | PROCEDURE pid args
args ::= ‘(‘ dcls ‘)’ | ‘(‘ ‘)’
compstmt ::= BEGIN stmts END
stmts ::= stmt | stmts ‘;’ stmt
stmt ::= elstmt
| IF expr THEN stmt [ ELSE stmt ] ENDIF
elstmt ::= vbl ‘:=’ expr
| RETURN expr / in a function /
| RETURN / in a procedure /
| procfunc / should be procedure /
| compstmt
| READ ‘(‘ vbllist ‘)’
| WRITE ‘(‘ exprlist ‘)’
| WRITELN ‘(‘ exprlist ‘)’
| WRITELN ‘(‘ ‘)’
vbl ::= id | id ‘[‘ expr ‘]’
vbllist ::= vbl | vbllist ‘,’ vbl
procfunc ::= pid ‘(‘ ‘)’ | pid ‘(‘ exprlist ‘)’
exprlist ::= expr | exprlist ‘,’ expr
expr ::= simexp | simexp relop expr
simexp ::= term | unary term | simexp addop term
term ::= factor | term mulop factor
factor ::= vbl
| num
| ‘(‘ expr ‘)’
| procfunc / should be FUNCTION /
pid ::= letter { letter | digit }
id ::= letter { letter | digit }
num ::= [‘+’ | ‘-‘ ] digit [‘.’] { digit }
relop ::= ‘=’ | ‘<’ | ‘>’ | ‘<=’ | ‘>=’ | ‘<>’
addop ::= ‘+’ | ‘-‘ | OR / + também representa concatenação de string /
mulop ::= ‘*’ | ‘/‘ | AND | MOD | DIV
unary ::= ‘+’ | ‘-‘ | NOT
stdtype ::= INTEGER | REAL | CHAR | STRING
Você deve entregar, além do código do compilador em java, 4 pastas, cada uma com um conjunto de testes: