项目作者: cavo789

项目描述 :
Quick HTML to markdown converter
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/cavo789/marknotes_html2md.git
创建时间: 2019-06-12T22:00:29Z

开源协议:MIT License




Quick HTML to markdown converter

Conversion is made in javascript, no server side action needed so nothing is sent to internet.

Table of Contents


Do you need a local copy of this script? If no, don’t install anything, just use it online: https://html2md.avonture.be.

Otherwise, if you want a copy on your own server; just clone this repository or click on the [Clone or download](https://github.com/cavo789/marknotes_html2md/archive/master.zip) green button and get a copy of the program.


You can either enter a valid URL or type your html code in the editor in the left part and the markdown conversion will be on-the-fly. Just in real time.

At the bottom of the page, you have a button for maximizing the markdown part (by hiding everything else) and a Copy button for copying in the clipboard the markdown source code.


Cool things

Using the url querystring parameter

You can directly convert a page by specifying his URL like this : https://html2md.avonture.be/?url=https://domain/page.html i.e. by setting the url parameter on the querystring.

This allow automation like, f.i., building a bookmarklet or providing a list of parametrized urls to get such HTML2MD conversion.

Get content not the page

When you type an URL, the script will do his best to only focus on the content and not the page: page headers will be removed, html tags like <style>, <script>, <header>, <footer>, <navigation>, … will be ignored while tags like <article> or <content> will be targeted.

Convert back MD to HTML

Use https://md2html.avonture.be/ to convert back the markdown to HTML.

Why is it cool? Because MD content is easily translatable (just copy/paste into f.i. https://www.deepl.com/translator). You’ll get the text, in your language without fioritures.

You are a developer and you want to modify the code?

Only if you’re a developer and need to change something. If not, just ignore this chapter.

Once downloaded to your computer, go to the prompt to execute the following instructions:

  1. npm install

This first instruction will install all dependencies needed by the program.

  1. npm run dev

This second instruction will start a localhost site (like http://localhost:8080/) with hot reloading: by updating the source code, the change will be immediately reflected without the need to refresh the page.

When your changes are finished, you can build a final version by running:

  1. npm run build

This third and last instruction will consolidate and minify your assets into a single file called dist/build.js. When this step is done, you can access your local site without the need to run npm run dev; you’re ready for publishing the site to Internet or somewhere else.

For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.


Christophe Avonture
