Java, Spring, STS, Bootstrap, Maven, SprinMVC, JSTL, Eclipse
This project basically allows one to understand the MVC architecture using Spring framework that is running in the real world scenarios. I have used Java, STS tool Suit, JSTL, Maven, BootStrap to build this whole simple project. This project allows one to manage the to do list. You can delete and update your to-do list depending upon the data.
There are few jsp pages that takes you through the project. There is a login page that allows one to put in the login credentials and takes you the page where you can manage your todos.
@Size are some of the key features that are being used in this project.
Login credentials : Username : “hello” Password: “hello”
All you have to do is to import this into the eclipse or STS.exe tool suit (Spring Tool Suit) as a maven project. Run and put in the credentials as written above.
Future work:
Spring securitites
Exception Handlings etc.