项目作者: Bruno-Dionne

项目描述 :
Notepad++ (UDL 2) User Defined Language color syntax for SAS language
项目地址: git://github.com/Bruno-Dionne/Notepad-UDL2---User-defined-Language-for-SAS.git
创建时间: 2018-05-18T13:23:17Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Notepad++ UDL2—-User-defined-Language-for-SAS

The merge of many Notepad++ User Define Language color syntax for SAS

This User defined (—-.xml) is ready for import into Notepad++. To use, download the XML file, then select Language->Define your language… in Notepad++. Use the Import button to import the SAS language definition.

It’s based on the commonly shared file from the Notepad++ Wiki, but with the addition of many more keywords, functions, and PROC names that are part of the SAS language.

Keyword style is regrouped by type of keyword in SAS

Special attention was put on single line comment and multi lines comments.

if you use the star comments at the end of a line containing statement, it is strongly recommended to put the last semi column «;» before the star with nothing in between. Like this ; , in order to help Notepad++ to do the distinction betwwen the star used in mathematical expression from the star * used for comments.

Using the special operator (( )) and manual edition of the .XML file, Notepad++ almost fully support the special «*», «%*», «comment» comments.
The «;» gluing mentionned above will be almost never needed. Ensure you don’t have any «SPACE» characters at the end of all comment lines.

For all dark background color syntax it’s strongly suggested to set Notepad++ theme to “Deep Black”
Go to menu “Settings” >> “Style configurator…” >> “Select theme: “ >> “Deep Black”.
Apply this to “Language: Global Styles” and “Style: Global override”.

Bruno Dionne