项目作者: vanilla

项目描述 :
This plugin for Fluentd allows to extract a single key from an existing record and re-parse it with a supplied format.
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/vanilla/fluent-plugin-burrow.git
创建时间: 2014-06-17T18:23:14Z

开源协议:MIT License



Open Issues Pull Requests Gem Downloads

This plugin for Fluentd allows extracting a single key from an existing record and re-parsing it with
a supplied format. A new event is then emitted, with the record modified by the now-decoded key’s value.


out_burrow is designed to allow post-facto re-parsing of nested key elements.

For example, lets say your source application writes to syslog, but instead of plain string messages, it writes JSON
encoded data. /var/log/syslog contains the following entry:

  1. Jun 17 21:16:22 app1 5012162: {"event":"csrf_failure","msg":"Invalid transient key for System.","username":"System","userid":"1","ip":"","method":"GET","domain":"http://timgunter.ca","path":"/dashboard/settings","tags":["csrf","failure"],"accountid":5009392,"siteid":5012162}

In td-agent.conf, you might have something like this to read this event:

  1. <source>
  2. type syslog
  3. port 5140
  4. bind
  5. tag raw.app.vanilla.events
  6. </source>

Unfortunately, in_syslog does not understand that the message field is encoded with JSON, so it escapes all the data
and makes it unusable down the line. If we piped these events to a file, we would see something like this:

  1. 2014-06-17T21:16:22Z raw.app.vanilla.events.local0.err {"host":"app1","ident":"5012162","message":"{\"event\":\"csrf_failure\",\"msg\":\"Invalid transient key for System.\",\"username\":\"System\",\"userid\":\"1\",\"ip\":\"\",\"method\":\"GET\",\"domain\":\"http://timgunter.ca\",\"path\":\"/dashboard/authentication\",\"tags\":[\"csrf\",\"failure\"],\"accountid\":5009392,\"siteid\":5012162}"}

Note how the message field has been escaped. This means that when this event eventually makes its way to a file, or
another system (like elasticsearch for example), it will not be ready for consumption. That’s where out_burrow comes in.

Adding the following match block to td-agent.conf allows us to intercept the raw syslog events and re-parse the
message field as JSON:

  1. <match raw.app.vanilla.events.**>
  2. type burrow
  3. key_name message
  4. action inplace
  5. remove_prefix raw
  6. format json
  7. </match>

There are several components to this rule, but for now lets look at the output:

  1. 2014-06-17T21:16:23Z app.vanilla.events.local0.err {"host":"app1","ident":"5012162","message":{"event":"csrf_failure","msg":"Invalid transient key for System.","username":"System","userid":"1","ip":"","method":"GET","domain":"http://timgunter.ca","path":"/dashboard/settings/mobilethemes","tags":["csrf","failure"],"accountid":5009392,"siteid":5012162}}

Now the JSON is no longer escaped, and can be easily parsed by both fluentd and elasticsearch.




This is the name of the key we want to examine and re-parse, and is required.



This is format that Fluentd should expect the key_name field to be encoded with. out_burrow supports the same built-in
format as Fluent::TextParser (and in_tail):

  • apache
  • apache2
  • nginx
  • syslog
  • json
  • csv
  • tsv
  • ltsv



When this event is re-emitted, change its tag to this setting’s value.



When this event is re-emitted, remove this prefix from the source tag and use the resulting string as the new event’s
tag. This setting automatically adds a trailing period . to its value before stripping.



When this event is re-emitted, prepend this prefix to the source tag and use the resulting string as the new event’s tag.
This setting automatically adds a trailing period . to its value before prepending.

One of the tag, remove_prefix, or add_prefix settings is required.
remove_prefix and add_prefix can co-exist together.


optional and defaults to inplace

The value of this setting determines how the new event will be constructed. There are three distinct options here:

  • inplace

Perform decoding ‘in place’. When the key_name field is successfully parsed, its contents will be written back to its
original key in the original record, which will then be re-emitted.

  • overlay

Overlay decoded data on top of original record, and re-emit. In our example above, if ‘overlay’ was used instead of
‘inplace’, the resulting record would have been:

  1. {
  2. "host":"app1",
  3. "ident":"5012162",
  4. "event":"csrf_failure",
  5. "msg":"Invalid transient key for System.",
  6. "username":"System",
  7. "userid":"1",
  8. "ip":"",
  9. "method":"GET",
  10. "domain":"http://timgunter.ca",
  11. "path":"/dashboard/settings",
  12. "tags":["csrf","failure"],
  13. "accountid":5009392,
  14. "siteid":5012162
  15. }
  • replace

Replace the original entirely with the contents of the decoded field. In our example above, if ‘replace’ was used
instead of ‘inplace’, the resulting record would have been:

  1. {
  2. "event":"csrf_failure",
  3. "msg":"Invalid transient key for System.",
  4. "username":"System",
  5. "userid":"1",
  6. "ip":"",
  7. "method":"GET",
  8. "domain":"http://timgunter.ca",
  9. "path":"/dashboard/settings",
  10. "tags":["csrf","failure"],
  11. "accountid":5009392,
  12. "siteid":5012162
  13. }
  • prefix

Insert the decoded data in the original record, using the data_prefix key. In our example above, if ‘prefix’ was used
instead of ‘inplace’ with ‘data_prefix’ = ‘data’, the resulting record would have been:

  1. {
  2. "host":"app1",
  3. "ident":"5012162",
  4. "data": {
  5. "event":"csrf_failure",
  6. "msg":"Invalid transient key for System.",
  7. "username":"System",
  8. "userid":"1",
  9. "ip":"",
  10. "method":"GET",
  11. "domain":"http://timgunter.ca",
  12. "path":"/dashboard/settings",
  13. "tags":["csrf","failure"],
  14. "accountid":5009392,
  15. "siteid":5012162
  16. }
  17. }


required if you use ‘action’ = ‘prefix’ (defaults to nil)

The prefix used to insert the decoded data in the message.


optional and defaults to false

Keep original source key (only valid with ‘overlay’ and ‘replace’ actions). When this is true, the original encoded
source key is retained in the output.


optional and defaults to false

Keep the original record’s “time” key. If the original top level record contains a


optional and defaults to time

If keep_time is true, this field specifies the key that contains the original records’s time. The value of this key
will be copied into the new record after it has been parsed.


optional and defaults to time

When the key_name field’s value is being parsed, look for this key and interpret it as the record’s time key.


optional and defaults to nil

When parsing the key_name field’s value and if time_key is set, this field denotes the format to expect the time
to be in.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

If you have a question, open an Issue.