Krowd - Location based attendance app
First select Teacher or Student and then press Sign Up.
Enter your information and Sign Up and that’s that. You’re in.
Enter the correct credential and the teacher login page will lead you to teacher home page.
Here you can view and select your classes to begin taking attendance or view the overall attendance record of the students that have added that class.
This will start taking attendance for the day. There is a time limit for the students to mark themselves as present.
Attendance requires the student’s presence and so the app does too. It will only allow a student to mark themselves as present if they are physically in class.
This requires the class name and course description. It will then add the class to your list.
Note - This action is irreversible.
Here you can view and select your classes to begin taking attendance for a class
This will allow you to join the class list of an instructor’s class or drop out of a specific class. Make sure to select the appropriate class.
Select a class that you want to mark yourself present.
The Take Attendance button will mark you as present in class if you are in the specific location radius and do so within the time limit.