项目作者: ilya16

项目描述 :
Graph Database Engine
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/ilya16/graph-db.git
创建时间: 2018-04-03T17:58:06Z

开源协议:MIT License



Simple Distributed Graph Database Management System written on Python as the project in Advanced Databases course at Innopolis University.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Clone repository on your local machine using:

  1. git clone https://github.com/ilya16/graph-db.git

Python 3.6 interpreter is required and recommended to install and run the project.


To install Graph Database on you local machine

  1. cd graph-db/
  2. python setup.py install
  1. ...
  2. Using /anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages
  3. Searching for plumbum==1.6.6
  4. Best match: plumbum 1.6.6
  5. Adding plumbum 1.6.6 to easy-install.pth file
  6. Using /anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages
  7. Finished processing dependencies for not4oundGraph-DB==0.1

Note: We use rpyc package for building distributing file system and communication between peers. It must be installed from setup.py, but in case of any problems, please, manually run:

  1. pip install rpyc

Running the tests

To run tests use:

  1. python setup.py test
  1. ...
  2. test_queries_invalid (src.tests.access.test_parser.ParserCase) ... ok
  3. test_cache_clear (src.tests.engine.test_graph_engine.IOEngineCase) ... ok
  4. test_deletions (src.tests.engine.test_graph_engine.IOEngineCase) ... ok
  5. test_nodes_and_labels (src.tests.engine.test_graph_engine.IOEngineCase) ... ok
  6. test_properties (src.tests.engine.test_graph_engine.IOEngineCase) ... ok
  7. test_relationships (src.tests.engine.test_graph_engine.IOEngineCase) ... ok
  8. test_simple_case (src.tests.engine.test_graph_engine.IOEngineCase) ... ok
  9. test_simple_case_from_disk (src.tests.engine.test_graph_engine.IOEngineCase) ... ok
  10. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Ran 9 tests in 0.064s

Test explanation

Tests affect various layers of the Graph Database:

  • Valid/Invalid queries
  • Create/Match/Update/Delete operations on nodes, relationships, labels, properteis
  • Reading existing graph from disk
  • Main memory cache
  • Distributed file system communication


To deploy Graph Database simply use

  1. n4Graph [conf_path]

where conf_path stands for the path to configuration file that describes peers of distributed file system including managers and workers (slaves).

Distributed File System

DFS configuration file has the following JSON format:

  1. {
  2. "manager_config" : {
  3. "ip": "localhost",
  4. "port": 2131,
  5. "db_path": "db/",
  6. "workers": [
  7. {
  8. "ip": "localhost",
  9. "port": 8888,
  10. "stores": {
  11. "NodeStorage": true,
  12. "RelationshipStorage": true,
  13. "LabelStorage": true,
  14. "PropertyStorage": true,
  15. "DynamicStorage": true
  16. }
  17. }
  18. ],
  19. "dfs_mode": {
  20. "Replicate": true,
  21. "Distribute": false
  22. },
  23. "replica_factor": 2
  24. }
  25. }

Without specifying any arguments, the default configuration file with replica_factor = 2 is used.

not4oundGraph supports two DFS modes:

  • Replication of data across multiple workers, each worker contains the same portion of data (example configuration file: config.json)
  • Distribution of data across multiple workers using Round-Robin algorithm (example configuration file: config_distributed.json)

Graph Engine API

We provide an API for managing graph database system directly from Python code. Supported graph operations are listed in specifications.

Data Access API (Query Language)

We provide own simple graph query language not4oundQL for executing queries and a wrapper around it.
Language specification can found in not4oundGraph specifications.

Executable file n4Graph runs console mode and accepts not4oundQL queries:

  1. Welcome to not4oundGraph DB. (c) Ilya Borovik, Artur Khayaliev, Boris Makaev
  2. You can enter `/help` to see query examples.
  3. /help
  4. Query examples:
  5. create graph: label
  6. create node: label
  7. create node: label key:value
  8. create node: label key:value key:value key:value
  9. create relationship: label from label1 to label2
  10. create relationship: label from label1 to label2 key:value
  11. create relationship: label from id:0 to id:1 key:value
  12. ...

Note: not4oundGraph DB does not support delete graph queries. If you want to delete graph, please, delete the db_path directory with data that you have specified in configuration file.

Built With

  • Python 3.6
  • rpyc (for distibuted file system)



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Graph Database implementation is inspired by Neo4j Graph Platform
  • Distributed File System implementation is inspired by PyDFS