A Key-Value database for the command-line and in Python, backed by SQLite3
A Key-Value database for the command-line and in Python, backed by SQLite3
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py
ERROR: No command specified
usage: settings.py [-h]
[--get KEY DEFAULT | --set KEY VALUE | --set-default KEY VALUE | --del KEY | --create]
Get/Set Key-Values in a database
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--get KEY DEFAULT GET a value with key KEY and value DEFAULT if not set
--set KEY VALUE SET a value with key KEY and value VALUE
--set-default KEY VALUE
SET a value ONLY IF KEY does NOT already exist (used
for populating defaults)
--del KEY DELETE a key and value with key KEY
--create Create schema
--db DATABASE Specify Database path (you can also set an environment
variable 'PESDADB' which will be overriden by --db)
(you can also use --db <path>
on every call if you like)
you@computer:~ $ export PESDADB=/tmp/my_pesdadb_store.db
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --create
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --set foo bar
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --get foo ""
…in case the key does not exist, but just specify an empty string if you don’t care, (as above)
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --get foo2 bar2
If you want to overwrite a set of new default settings for your program, then this won’t replace any existing ones
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --set-default foo fuzz
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --get foo ""
In fact it will only store valid json. Then you can chain it to JQ or something, if you like
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --set my_array '["zuli", "kyan", "lars", "fozz"]'
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --get my_array "[]"
["zuli", "kyan", "lars", "fozz"]
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --get my_array "[]" | jq '.'
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --get my_array "[]" | jq '.[2]'
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --set my_object '{"goodies": ["elsa", "anna", "kristoff", "sven", "olaf"], "baddies": ["marshmallow", "hans", "weaselman"]}'
you@computer:~ $ python3 ~/PesdaDB/pesdadb.py --get my_object "{}" | jq '.baddies[0]'
I needed a robust key/value store that can be:
It’s built upon the ubiquitous and amazing Sqlite3 which does all of the hard work to satisfy my wishlist above, and so PesdaDB is just a Python wrapper for some SQL commands.
PesdaDB is provided under the MIT license,
but if you use it commercially or otherwise, please consider sending a postcard, by mail from wherever you live, to:
Rob & Family
Menai Science Park
LL60 6AG