项目作者: heptiolabs

项目描述 :
A GitHub integration to ensure commits have "Signed-off-by"
高级语言: Makefile
项目地址: git://github.com/heptiolabs/sign-off-checker.git
创建时间: 2017-02-14T02:00:45Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



This is a simple Go server that listens for web hooks from GitHub for PRs. It then looks at each commit in that PR and sets a status. If all of the commits have a “Signed-off-by” line on them then it marks all of those commits as “success”. If any one of them is missing the “Signed-off-by” line then all are marked as “failed”.

The status check points to a “CONTRIBUTING.md” file in the repo in question.


You can just go get github.com/heptio/sign-off-checker/cmd/sign-off-checker to get the binary installed locally. To build a docker container do make push REGISTRY=<my-gcr-regisry> from this repo.


There are two environment variables that need to be set when running:

  • SHARED_SECRET: Set this to a random value that you supply as the “secret” when configuring the webhook.
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: Set this to an personal access token for a github user that has access to the repo in question. The webhook doesn’t include details of the commits so we have to fetch them. Unforutnately this requires full read/write repo access scope even though we are just reading. Create one of these at https://github.com/settings/tokens.

Run the server someplace. It’ll listen at http://<example.com>/webhook. Now head on over to the settings tab of your repo and add a webhook. The Payload URL should be set to the URL. The content type should be application/json and the secret should be the secret above. Select “individual events” and check “Pull request”. If things are working you can check the status of the webhook from Githubs point of view on that page.

Build stuff

Taken from https://github.com/thockin/go-build-template