项目作者: Relex12
项目描述 :
GitHub profile Readme
项目地址: git://github.com/Relex12/Relex12.git
Hi there 👋
My name is Adrian Bonnet, aka Relex12 !

🔐 Password manager

💻 Miscellaneous

🗳️ Voting systems

📠 Word generation

📰 Articles IT

🎁 Secret Santa

🔮 Future

🌐 Website

My skills

> Don’t trust this graphic, I am terrible at front-end development
### ❓ What I want to learn

About me
I am French IT engineer from the South of France. I studied in Grenoble INP - Esisar engineering school from 2016 to 2021.
I learned about development, networks and cyber-security.
- by email : adrian.bonnet@grenoble-inp.org
- by instant message on LinkedIn or Facebook Messenger