Amplifying the voices of Black developers in open source because #BlackLivesMatter ✊🏾
Talks, blog posts, and interviews amplifying the voices of Black developers on GitHub because #BlackLivesMatter
@aprilspeight | @bdougie | @dayhaysoos | @ifiokjr | @m0nica | @Prophen |
@kjaymiller | @developerayo | @swannodette | @lipemorais | @brandonroberts | @lwgray |
@torch2424 | @imolorhe | @ThePhD |
Additional suggestions are welcomed! Check out for guidelines.
(NOTE: If you’re a developer listed on here who would like to be removed, just open an issue or message me privately.)
This list is available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 License, meaning you are free to use it for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, without any attribution back to me (public domain). (If you ever want to reference me, find me here! [@bdougieYO]( But you are in no way required to do so.)