项目作者: Tes3awy

项目描述 :
Syntax Highlighting for Cisco IOS XE Commands in NotePad++
项目地址: git://github.com/Tes3awy/Cisco-IOS-XE-NotepadPlusPlus-Syntax-Highlight.git
创建时间: 2021-01-03T13:14:08Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Cisco IOS XE Commands Syntax Highlighting

Cisco Logo

This is an enhanced version of the User Defined Language (UDL) made by LuisPisco. His UDL is found here.

After Installing NotePad++, place the Cisco_IOS_XE_byOsamaAbbas.udl.xml file within the %AppData%\Notepad++\userDefineLangs folder, and restart NotePad++.

Files with extensions .cisco, .ios, .xe, .log, .txt, .conf, and .config will automagically use this new UDL as their default language when opened with NotePad++. Remove or add any extension when desired.

To change this behavior:

  1. Open the Cisco_IOS_XE_byOsamaAbbas.udl.xml file.
  2. For example, remove txt from the ext property in <UserLang>.
  1. <UserLang name="Cisco IOS XE" ext="cisco ios xe log conf config" udlVersion="2.0">
  1. Save the UDL file.
  2. Restart NotePad++.

