项目作者: wrboyce

项目描述 :
My iOS Shortcuts
高级语言: Makefile
项目地址: git://github.com/wrboyce/ios-shortcuts.git
创建时间: 2018-09-28T12:37:02Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


My collection of my iOS shortcuts.

Add to Inbox

Adds the contents of my clipboard as a new task in my OmniFocus Inbox.


This one was a request on Reddit and seemed like a fun job, it scans the
current web page for mailto: links and opens the airmail compose
dialog - if multiple links are found then a menu will be presented.

Bypass Paywall

Uses outline.com to bypass paywalls :)

Cup of Tea

I use this one a lot, either via Siri or the Shortcuts Widget, to track my
caffeine and water consumption from all the brews I drink. Logs 44mg caffine and
400ml water in Health.


Categorised speed dial, presents a list of emojis and labels then searches
for contacts with the selected emoji in their “notes” field, then offers a
choice of call/facetime/message.

Export Shortcuts

I use this shortcut to get my .shortcut files out of the app and into git.

Get Availability / Get Availability (24h)

Checks your calendars (currently all of them) and builds a list of times you are
available, copying it into your clipboard. The non-24h version will ask for your
availability start/end times on import.
link (24h)

Glass of Water

Nice and simple; logs 250ml water in Health. I mostly invoke this via Siri using
my watch.

Lumos / Nox

Intended to be invoked by Siri, and mostly a bit of a joke, these shortcuts turn
the torch on/off respectively. If you don’t understand the naming, you’ve
obviously never read or watched Harry Potter.
link (lumos)
link (nox)

Markup/Share Last Photo

Grabs the most recent image in your camera rolls, asks if you’d like to
annotate it, and then brings up the share panel.

Next Event

Get directions to next event. If you and the event are in the same city, and
that city is supported by CityMapper, then use CityMapper - otherwise fallback
to using Apple Maps.

Play Favourites

Simple, but really handy - I use this to quickly get some music going if I’m
walking and don’t have time to faff about picking something. Drop me into my
Favourites Mix with the added spice of Shuffle. Will prompt for Playlist and
Shuffle preferences on import. (Note: it really seems like Siri should be able
to do this with “Shuffle Favourites Mix” but she always fails to actually do

Train Tickets

Opens the Trainline app directly to the “My Tickets” page, saving
valuable seconds.

Update Shopping List

Intended to be used via Siri, my hope was to invoke this hands free but
unfortunately the “Dictate Text” action requires opening the Shortcuts app.
This shortcut will take a dictated list of items, split it at “and”, add each
item to my “Shopping” reminders list and then confirm how many items were added.

Work Alarm

I wrote this one for my partner, who works shifts. It checks a given calendar
(specified on import) for the next shift and sets an alarm for 2h (also
customisable on import) before the event.